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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/StrngBrew on 2023-06-27 13:22:32+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/Pep_Baldiola on 2023-06-27 12:50:24+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/FragMasterMat117 on 2023-06-27 12:30:12+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/cielo_mu on 2023-06-27 12:17:42+00:00.

I mean, many stars are good at both, but one career clearly overshines the other.

My premise is no one is GREAT at both equally. I know the word "equally" implies that it is measurable while it is not, but even in the subjective POV, I still can't detect anyone in that area, imagine like the star is split into twins and we can judge them separately if that helps you get what I mean, feel free to prove me very wrong.


Will Smith is great at both, but he is clearly a bigger movie star.

Bryan Cranston is great at both, but he is clearly a bigger TV star.

Morgan Freeman is mainly a movie star, if we exclude the voice acting.

Matt Leblanc is obviously a TV star, although acted in 8 films.

P.S. this is just for a fun discussion and not for firing arguments at each other.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/MulciberTenebras on 2023-06-27 11:05:45+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/JDHoare on 2023-06-27 08:46:36+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/SetBorn5218 on 2023-06-27 08:48:29+00:00.

I'll go first 😼‍💹

✅ American Gods. (Cancelled) ✅ The Boys (snail crawl) ✅ Supernatural (completed)

Flips tables

Your turn đŸ«”

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/elhoffgrande on 2023-06-27 06:22:20+00:00.

It's like they distilled everything awesome about letterkenny and wrapped it around a razer sharp plotline. So stinking good. Great cast, great execution. yeah, so, anything half as good out here this season? Huh?

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/BoredExNewYorker on 2023-06-27 04:59:24+00:00.

Glamorous, starring Kim Cattrell, is pretty terrible. The writing and the acting are awful. It reminded me a tiny bit of Hacks, but Hacks has exceptional writing and acting, and Jean Smart is such a talented actress. Watching something that misses the mark really highlights the difference between quality and shows that miss the mark. Also Kim cattrell looks a bit like Jean smart. Kim isn’t a bad actress, but Jean is outstanding.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/MarvelsGrantMan136 on 2023-06-27 04:04:14+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/Jazzlike_Success_968 on 2023-06-27 03:10:10+00:00.

...And why are those always the best ones?

I gotta say Game Of Thrones for me. There's been a few but this one took the longest for sure. I just recently finished it. I really wish I would've watched along with everyone else

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/reddig33 on 2023-06-27 02:52:56+00:00.

Just started watching Ascension on freevee. Without any spoilers, it has a lot in common with the current tv show Silo. It crams a lot into six episodes. Can’t help thinking it would probably have worked better as a multi-season story with the big reveal saved for cliffhanger at end of season one. It’s a shame it ended up in SyFy’s graveyard of programs.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/stayup76 on 2023-06-27 01:48:48+00:00.

I am on my first official mad men rewatch. I have never fully seen the sopranos (like binged it or anything) but already know what most of the big plot lines are. I have watched a few different eps of the sopranos though

Which is better

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/mranimal2 on 2023-06-27 00:23:23+00:00.

Given Jack Quaid plays Hughie in The Boys it would be hilarious to see Meg Ryan be on the show as well

Maybe she could be a retired government agent or supe that The Boys get in touch with to help her combat Vought and Homelander?

Now that her career is completely and utterly dead there's no real expectations for her to live up to her girl next door image which she's tried to shed in the past...

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/indig0sixalpha on 2023-06-27 00:02:00+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/indig0sixalpha on 2023-06-26 23:45:35+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/Chemical-Ad-2694 on 2023-06-26 22:51:54+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/jjmarsh0 on 2023-06-26 22:39:29+00:00.

They all gather around one of the characters who has been “holding his breath” for a long time and another charecter comes and pinched his nose and he’s like “whoa are you trying to kill me?”

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/MarvelsGrantMan136 on 2023-06-26 22:34:38+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/Neo2199 on 2023-06-26 22:14:41+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/CJTus on 2023-06-26 21:47:42+00:00.

The recently canceled Showtime series I Love That for You has been removed from Paramount+. This move was expected as the service has been taking down recent shows that only lasted 1-2 seasons.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/thetrilogy911 on 2023-06-26 21:35:47+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/MulciberTenebras on 2023-06-26 20:14:27+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/Stratiform on 2023-06-26 20:06:31+00:00.

The cancellation of Star Trek Prodigy after only one season makes me really sad. I know the media landscape of 2023 is a lot different than 1994 and shows that don't get views don't get renewed for another try, but more than any of the other new shows, Prodigy understood fun and adventure of Star Trek, and it brought Trek to a new generation. It felt like 1980s/90s Star Trek, but animated. This helped it become the first sci-fi show my kids had any interest in, let alone the first show the whole family looked forward to watching new episodes, every week.

Prodigy was smart to star Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), who every millennial Trekkie with kids today remembered fondly from Voyager, and it placed her back into her best role - leading a new crew of misfits. The stories were simple, but still interesting and full of adventure. It introduced cool new aliens, and followed up on one of my favorite Voyager storylines that never got fleshed out. And most importantly, after 30 years, it was finally setting up the love story that we all wanted: Janeway + Chakotay!

It was liked by those who watched it, especially in the 2nd half of the season where it really started it hit its stride, but it didn't get the views and I suspect it was was because it was not marketed well. People didn't understand that while it was made for kids, this show was definitely for adults too; no different than Avatar (Last Airbender), Clone Wars, Gargoyles, and so many other animated shows with great stories. Its ability to entertain kids was also important as none of the other current shows do that well and won't entice young viewers like DS9 and Voyager did in the 90s.

I hope the story gets finished in some fashion, somehow. It would be a shame to abandon it entirely. If you have Paramount+, I definitely recommend binging it before it goes off the platform entirely, tomorrow.

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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/Naked68626 on 2023-06-26 20:06:27+00:00.

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