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A place for theoretical discussions about business and stocks - specifically GameStop Stock ($GME). Opinions and memes welcome. None of this is...

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/LassannnfromImgur on 2023-06-27 21:14:32+00:00.

The stock market is in no way fair. It's rigged against you and me and in favor of the billionaire insiders who cheat with every breath they can muster. No amount of money is enough for them because they are malignant narcissists. That means they love themselves for being rich and hate the poor for not being rich. They ravenously want to take away even the little money we currently have.

They despise anything and everything that would promise to benefit us, working class retail investors, and they would love to take away all those benefits to have only for themselves: charities, health care, insurance, democracy itself. Naked short selling has been illegal since 2008 but they have never stopped doing it since then and they won't unless WE force them to.

So let us daily remind ourselves that we hodl out of a desire for sheer vengeance. When MOASS begins, and one day it will, we must not sell the instant we become millionaires or even billionaires.

We must not sell.

If completely locking the float and then refusing to sell no matter how high the share price goes completely destroys the stock market, then that is what we must do: utterly break it. The criminally fraudulent hedge funds deserve this. We, even we here, hodl the power and bear the responsibilty.

I would have flaired this as "venting" if that were an option.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Marijuana_Miler on 2023-06-27 20:30:03+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/lebronjuuls on 2023-06-27 20:17:23+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Revolutionary_Ad6916 on 2023-06-27 20:15:12+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/shtoopidguy on 2023-06-27 20:04:37+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/AnonUpdooter on 2023-06-27 20:00:27+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/arkadiiiiii on 2023-06-27 19:26:25+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Lorien6 on 2023-06-27 17:59:41+00:00.

Original Title: 🩴🚨🦍 DON’T LET GET BURIED! APE HELP APE. Hi everyone. Is everyone doing okay? Everyone good on food and essentials? Please reach out, no shame. Also those that want to help, offer up. Alot of us here can help. People care. Some people have been going through alot. We see you. 🦍🚨🩴

Ape help ape.

Real quick, remember there is a fine line between venting and then straight fudding/spreading doubt and bad vibes about the stock.

Howdy all! I've been immensely happy for the positive reception of these, as well for all the people helping others with their needs. It really puts a smile on my face. Is everyone holding up okay? I know the world is very turbulent still, and many of you have been feeling it. Maybe things have been just straight rough lately, and I just want you to know that's it's okay to sometimes feel not okay. Everyone needs a breather eventually. Maybe a little yoga would be good to stretch and release it all out. In.... Out..... ahhhhh! Now strike a pose! It's all gonna be okay.

Summer is upon us in many parts of the globe. Wiether you've been enjoying the time out in the sun, or keeping it low key indoors, remember that you're never alone and you always have a friend somewhere, wiether it's here or elsewhere. You're loved! If you can, eat some nice juicy fresh fruit, or take a swim in a refreshing pool or lake. Just do something to recharge your batteries if you can.

Remember good things are coming.

On the stonk side of this, a new interesting development has been revealed... Ryan is now the executive chairman! This essentially means he's both chairman and CEO, at least functionally. As the summer months boil on, who knows what other exciting and tit jacking news will come out!

Now on to the fun stuff. Anyone need food or essentials? Please reach out to the community and speak up! No shame. Many here can help make sure that you and your loved ones are good. There is no reason anyone should be without. Ive seen so many comments of people in tough times, it just absolutely pains me to see this. I don't know how to even do this. I'm sure we can find a way in keeping this responsible and anonymous. Anonymous is the word, no one is asking for anyone to be doxed here.

No one should be without. We're all family here. Even if this helps a few people then it's worth it.

If you need help, if you're struggling, please ask. We are all a community, and there's no shame in seeking support if you need it. Also you don't need to be in the same area, hopefully you can find someone/people to help! If you just need to vent that's fine too. Ask a pal for a hand, or your tree neighbor for a cup of sugar.

Just wanna go over a few ground rules for this post. Feeling frustrated and tired here IS okay, but spreading FUD is not. A little leway will be given but outright saying you sold (true or not) is not the best to post and WILL be considered FUD. No fud please. Basically don't spread fud and no talking of selling and you'll be good. Also helping out is absolutely okay, and welcomed, but I think the line has to be drawn at posting things like official charity links and gofundmes, at least here in the comments. Also remember that while this is an online community, we are all individual investors. But also remember that needing help is okay and you're not alone.

As for the critics, not everyone who's struggling is over leveraged. Alot can change in a year or even just a few months, and you just never know what people are truly going through. Also many people who have no idea what's happening with GME currently are feeling the effects of the state of the economy right now. A little compassion never hurts 😄.

Cheers everyone 🍻, and hope everyone has an awesome long holiday weekend 😊.

Use your gut and ape help ape! WAGMI. And remember, Power to the Players 📖! DRS! 🦍❤️ Stay cool! Don't lose hope, not just in moass or Ryan Cohen, but never lose hope in yourself! That's the most important thing. Love everyone.


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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/bloodshot_blinkers on 2023-06-27 18:19:17+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/RaucetheSoss on 2023-06-27 18:15:49+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/vozjaevdanil on 2023-06-27 18:13:23+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Smelly_Legend on 2023-06-27 17:51:21+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Fuzzy_Flight_934 on 2023-06-27 17:51:11+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/dlauer on 2023-06-27 17:16:30+00:00.

Today We The Investors posted our comment letter on the SEC proposal to modernize the definition of Beneficial Ownership.

Under current SEC rules, institutional investors purchasing shares through brokers and banks (called “beneficial owners”) are required to disclose any ownership interest they may have in a public company once such ownership interest exceeds 5% of outstanding shares. This disclosure is accomplished by filing a beneficial ownership interest report with the SEC on Schedule 13D. This report is required to be filed within 10 calendar days after a beneficial owner crosses the 5% threshold. This 10-day deadline has been in effect and unchanged since 1968. Acquiring large blocks of shares secretly for such a long period of time allows these investors to trade on asymmetric price information and continue accumulating shares from unwitting investors for almost two weeks after the 5% threshold is reached.

Further, as we saw with Archegos, cash-settled derivatives are exempted from disclosure requirements because the holders of these derivatives are not considered beneficial owners. The SEC explains that often the holders of these derivatives are still able to exert influence over the company, as the counterparty to the derivative is often holding the underlying securities. To modernize this disclosure framework and prevent another Archegos from happening, the SEC has proposed an important set of rule updates that we support.

Our comment letter pushes the SEC to go even further with a 2 day disclosure deadline. We also support the new derivative disclosure requirement, while asking the SEC to clarify that such holders, despite being deemed beneficial owners for the purposes of this rule, would not result in any change to to the voting rights or investment powers of the underlying reference securities that are the basis for these types of swaps.

For info on how to file the comment letter, or for a Word version, check out our issue page. The deadline to file comments is today (June 27) but don't let that deter you - the SEC will continue to accept comment letters!

I'm also happy to answer any questions on this issue, I know there's a lot of concern/confusion about it.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Lacustamcoc on 2023-06-27 16:46:56+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/digitaljm on 2023-06-27 17:27:23+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/pctracer on 2023-06-27 17:18:44+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Dath345 on 2023-06-27 16:44:53+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/FuckRobinhood76 on 2023-06-27 15:58:16+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Technical_Low_3233 on 2023-06-27 15:33:22+00:00.

Original Title: Spoiler Alert: They were mostly American accounts. I only saw 1 Chinese account and rest are 9 American accounts based in U.S. Also IntraFi Network Cofounder CEO is a former chief of staff of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/pmxller on 2023-06-27 15:13:19+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Audigitty on 2023-06-27 14:29:41+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Last-Difference-3311 on 2023-06-27 14:19:21+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/Jabarumba on 2023-06-27 14:40:26+00:00.

DTCC Twitter

Today I ask: .@The_DTCC "DTCC, through its subsidiaries, automates, centralizes and standardizes the processing of financial transactions..." Automates. If #DTCC automates financial transactions, then why aren't you clearing trades at T-instant through the blockchain? Purposeful inefficiency?

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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/throwawaylurker012 on 2023-06-27 14:09:19+00:00.

Original Title: On RC's post about SAP ERP. Some digging into SAP complaints, as well as addressing FUD that connecting threads is a cOnSpiRaCy tHeOrY. Not a conspiracy when firms like Advan Research sell our cell phone data (AND retail store truck data), where 95% of their clients are hedge funds...

Hi y'all. Taking a break from my morning pineapple suppository (whole fruit gives me more nutrients) to collect some information I posted elsewhere in the RC thread by u scientisticalmystica that might be useful here revisiting RC's Christian Klein SAP subtweet.


I did some minor digging and found this site, which addresses some complaints companies have had against SAP ERP firms: https://www.brightworkresearch.com/list-of-sap-implementation-failures/


Levi Strauss comes up as lawsuit #3:

Problems with a massive global enterprise resource planning (ERP) rollout have helped send Levi Strauss' second-quarter results through the floor...The jeans giant reported a 98 per cent drop in net income to $1m and squarely blamed & substantial costs associated with its new ERP system among other factors for the shocker.Levi's is standardizing on a single global instance of SAP ERP, and told The Reg it was forced to take shipping systems at its three massive US distribution centers off line for a full week in April to fix problems receiving and fulfilling orders.The company not only lost business during the shut down, but also saw customers who placed orders cancel them once the systems were back up.

Revlon's shareholders (not the company, but shareholders) are addressed in lawsuit #5:

This is not a lawsuit against SAP by Revlon, but rather a lawsuit by Revlon shareholders against Revlon for lying about the SAP implementation state. We cover this case in detail in the article "https://www.brightworkresearch.com/saphana/2019/06/03/what-was-the-real-story-with-the-revlon-s-4hana-failure/ What Was the Real Story with the Revlon S/4HANA Failure?

Revlon attributed to the changeover a reduction of $20M in net earnings in one quarter alone, accompanied by $10M in unplanned expenses including non-recurring labor to improve customer support. At the time (2018), Revlon had implemented SAP in 22 countries on the Revlon heritage side of the company. Apparently, the Arden switch-out of JD Edwards had not even begun at that stage. A year later, in March 2019, CFO Victoria Dolan said Revlon had spent $32M in 2018 on operating activities in comparison to 2017, taking the costs of the migration to $54M; understandably, profits and stock prices dipped. Revlon reported increased losses....

Ironically the results were due to a drop in sales of all its business categories, except Elizabeth Arden, partly caused by the breaks in service levels directly attributed to the SAP implementation...

Lawsuit #10 covers Waste Management:

Did SAP deceive and defraud Waste Management (WM) during ERP selection and implementation? That’s the question at stake in a $500 million lawsuit against SAP relating to a Waste Management ERP failure.

According to documents filed in court by WM, SAP pitched WM on a well-tested, sector-specific, ready-to-install ERP package. WM learned after the implementation had started that no such software existed. Rather, the ERP system in question was still in development and had “never been tested in a productive environment.”...


WM’s fraud allegations go much deeper than simple misrepresentation. Before contracts were signed, SAP purportedly demonstrated the fully functioning software to WM. WM claims it relied on SAP’s demonstrations when it chose the SAP software. WM says that SAP demonstrated a “mock-up” version and that the demonstrations “were rigged and manipulated to depict false functionality.”

SAP denies the allegations.However, if WM wins on its fraud and misrepresentation claims, this case could drive a stake through the heart of the world’s leading ERP vendor. No customer will want to build its business operations on a foundation of lies and deception. In addition, SAP will likely face criminal investigations. Members of SAP’s C-Suite were directly involved in landing the WM account. Some of those executives are no longer with the company. There’s plenty of speculation about whether their departures are related to the WM fiasco.

Of course, it's justifiable to play devil's advocate. SAP IS used by tons of firms, and there have been other entities featured in the complaints where they admit it was hard for people to learn the system in the first place, or dealing with a switchover was tough etc. Cases like the WM one are harder to wave, esp if you show a fake version of something that DOES NOT EXIST OR DO WHAT IT'S MEANT TO DO.

And hell, if SAP services (hehe) so many companies, statistically it's impossible for some to not implement correctly. Sure, why not...


So even considering that counterpoint, and avoiding the BCG discussion (let's assume they are saints lol) and that BCG Platinion has never had any ulterior motives.


Let's somehow suspend disbelief and say that's true.

And let's somehow say that all of the SAP lawsuits are completely meritless and they have also been nothing but saints. So in this scenario it is an ULTIMATE devil's advocate argument, where SAP (& BCG affiliated runs with SAP via Platinion) are complete saints, help old ladies cross the street, donate their Patagonia vests to the homeless, and spend Friday night at the soup kitchens.

100% this is what I think of when I think of BCG employees btw

So let's argue that. But EVEN THEN, I think you can still make a case for how a bad or slow SAP implementation in parts can not only be found out (especially when dealing with a company you want to short), but worked through backwards in part through something I covered in 2 recent posts of my "Big Mall Short" series: #9 (Check. Your. Phone) and #10 (On Ventriloquism and the Unbearable Lightness of Brian Sozzi & Jim Cramer's "Where, Memesters, is Everyone?" Epistemological Bullshit).


In those posts, I covered the fact that there are A SHIT TON of companies that exist that sell real estate-centric and real estate-adjacent data. Companies like Cherre provide data to real estate investors and more to help them track their portfolios. These 3rd party connections include companies that can do everything from:

  • track road & railroad noise (Tether)
  • find leads for leasing, lending, refinancing, distressed debt...tracks expiring leases, detailed quarterly and annual financial statements, delinquent loans, newly issued loans, foreclosures (CredIQ)
  • ...the maintenance history of every address in the US accessible starting with permits…Permit data including applicant details, contractor details, and description of work permitted.”..(wtf!) (HiMaintenance)


And firms go even further with tech data, including our fucking cell phone data (that gets sold to companies):

  • Mapped considers Goldman Sachs one of its biggest clients, and it "is **Capable of quickly discovering all devices on a network...**extracting data from building systems, sensors, and vendor APIs, Mapped simplifies the integration process down to a single API"
  • Safegraph consider Goldman Sachs (!) one of its biggest clients, and it tracks among other things foot traffic at large corporations to mom-and-pop stores and industrial locations…

(This doesn't even INCLUDE investment fund companies like Capital Fund Management that sells our cell phone data to Columbia University's PER program for this research into alternate data usage.)


The biggest one I found though was Advan Research, which considers 95% of its clients to be hedge funds. Its staff includes ppl from ex-Goldman and hedge funds, even some of the advisory board includes big names like ex-Point 72/Fidelity ppl among others:


Why does this matter? Not even counting the fact that they sell our phone data, but they also sell data including trucks that can then be used to track company shipments:

“Mobile Phone Data – ... **Advan provides m...

Content cut off. Read original on https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/14kes9c/on_rcs_post_about_sap_erp_some_digging_into_sap/

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