Skyrim Mods

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Skyrim Mods

This is a place to talk all about Skyrim Mods!


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Because that is the last version prior to Boris adding personal outbursts in further versions after the appearance of Community Shaders.


This will only help if your experiencing the issue of texture output not being properly exported to the skyrim data folder from texgen

To fix it just copy the texture folder in the dyndolod output folder to the skyrim data folder and let it overwrite anything it asks to if you want


Back in 2018, DarkFox127 (Moskom Estate, Caranthir Tower, his YouTube series on how to use the Creation Kit) put out Shalidor's Migrant Portals. It's a pretty nifty mod that, after a short quest (tied to a longer quest), gives you 5 platforms you can use to instantaneously (but immersively) teleport between anchored locations. Since I tend to build bases around Skyrim, this has a permanent place in my load order.

But, in 5 years, this mod has garnered all of 171 endorsements, and that's just wrong. DarkFox probably doesn't care that much about this mod, but I'm throwing this out there in the hopes that someone who might enjoy something like this finds it and, maybe, passes the find on to someone else. It's too useful to fall off the map like this.

New mod: Skyclimb (
submitted 2 years ago by postgeographix to c/skyrimmods

This mod dynamically places EVGAT markers, so you can climb anywhere.

Honestly, it is some fucking witchcraft. Get it, NOW.


Back in May I uploaded my new Race mod, Perked Races:

I'm posting about it here because it hasn't pulled much attention yet and it makes very interesting changes to Races in a new way that focuses on what you already love about Skyrim (and Perk mods!) while cutting down on old imbalances and reworking basic stats.

Basically, instead of odd Powers or huge Resist/Attribute buffs, most of each Race's talent comes from the Skill Tree Perks they now start with at level 1. There's a core file and then a patch for different Perk Overhaul Mods, such as Ordinator and Adamant.

Racial Perks have been chosen that feel like each Race should have kinda gotten for free all along. They can enable the build you have in mind much earlier. I took care to keep things balanced, insofar as Skyrim is inherently balanced and different playstyles are equally reinforced.

I'm impressed with other, much more popular Race mods by amazing authors, but no one's yet taken Races the direction I wish Bethesda had back in 2011.

submitted 2 years ago by nimwraith to c/skyrimmods

Hey everyone! I just thought I'd make a small post about a mod I've been working on for a while, Hunter's Dream. The mod revolves around Vashharr, a bounty hunter who has grown to despise his job as a bounty hunter.

The mod will take Vashharr across all of Skyrim, where the player can speak to him about his true desires, his regrets and his thoughts on bounty hunting as a whole. As you speak to him more, he'll show his more intellectual side and begin having moral discussions with you about both his and your position in society.

The mod is voiced by robbobert, the creator of Khajiit Will Follow! He did an excellent job at capturing Vashharr and I couldn't be happier with the end product!

A link to a showcase of the mod can be found here:

A link to the mod can be found here:


Hey everyone! Today I have released a Lovecraftian-inspired quest mod called Calling the Watchmaker! The mod features high quality voice acting with over 100 lines of dialogue and an entirely new location of where this scholar resides. This is mine and Jake MacDonald's submission for the Skyrim mod jam.

The mod revolves around a scholar named Dreynos trying to uncover the truth of how the Elder Scrolls universe was created. It dives into the nitty gritty lore of the creation myth and focuses on the primordial beings that were responsible for Nirn. It specifically focuses on Sithis and his involvement but I won't say too much more so I don't spoil anything :))

You can find a showcase of the mod here:

A link to the actual mod can be found here:

I can't thank Jake MacDonald enough as they helped me to write the script and did an amazing job voicing Dreynos, this is by all means a joint project so thank you! Their Nexus is tagged on the mod page and their Discord is: themanaconda

Thanks for reading, I hope you all enjoy this passion project!

submitted 2 years ago by nimwraith to c/skyrimmods

Hello again everyone, I've released another Shattered addon! For those who don't know, Shattered is a mod that turns Skyrim into a ruined province.

To give a brief overview of this mod, it's by far the largest addon I've made. It features two high-quality voiced NPCs, a unique weapon and a brand new faction with some lore. Learning more about the new faction, the Knights of None, can be done across encounters with both NPCs.

A showcase of one of the two NPCs can be found here:

The actual mod can be found here:

That's it from me for today :))

submitted 2 years ago by nimwraith to c/skyrimmods

Hey everyone, I just thought I'd make a small post mentioning a new mod I released. It's an addon for Shattered, the mod that turns Skyrim into a ruined province.

The mod features high quality voice acting and a very unique character that will explain his unique traditions and beliefs to the player. His quest will take place across multiple encounters where the player will learn more and more each time.

A brief showcase of the mod can be found here:

The link to the mod can be found here:

Thanks :))


Hey everyone! I've made a very large update to a project I've been working on for a while.

Memorable Dragons is a mod that aims to add in friendly (ish) dragons that attempts to remedy how the base game portrays dragons. The mod is now up to five dragons, they are all voice acted by extremely high quality VAs and each quest is incredibly unique and engaging.1.4 adds a completely new interior along with a large scale quest that will be vastly different depending on how the player interacts with another quest in the world. To give a brief overview, the new dragon has mastered the art of necromancy and seeks to take over the world. However, the dragon has been trapped in a cave for countless years and has taken to re-animating the bodies of all travellers who pass by in an attempt to break him out.

A link to the showcase of this new dragon can be found here:

1.4 also fixes a few bugs along with adding an optional file for the dragons to be initally disabled until Dragon Rising is complete.

This is likely the last update for Memorable Dragons as I think I've covered everything I want to.

A link to the mod can be found here:

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/skyrimmods

Is there a mod out right now that supports dodging by double-tapping the directional move keys that works in Skyrim AE? This is the behavior from the classic TK Dodge mod, but my understanding is that this doesn't work in AE. The replacement mod, TK Dodge RE, has not gotten around to re-instituting this option. I've got a lot of muscle memory tied to this key-binding and I really hope I can use it in my next play-through.


He's been trying to get in touch with discord but hasn't had succes in that.

submitted 2 years ago by nimwraith to c/skyrimmods

Hey everyone!

This is a small release for Shattered which adds unique Fallout New Vegas-inspired traits to make all playthroughs feel different and unique. So far, the mod includes eight different traits, all with advantages and disadvantages suited to many playstyles.

A showcase on two perks and how they work can be found here:

For a full rundown on all eight traits, check the mod page:

FSR2 upscaler mod - no performance gain (
submitted 2 years ago by JonnyLemmyWorld to c/skyrimmods

Hello, referring to this mod -

I would like to ask for your help with this mod, if it's not a problem. The author is not responding to comments on nexusmods at all and is also not replying to direct messages.

I search with someone who has more knowledge on how to make this mod work properly.

Is this mod currently functioning for non-Nvidia users? Even with ultra performance FSR2, I don't see any increase in FPS. The mod runs on its own and changes the visuals, but it seems like there is no downscaling happening before FSR2 is applied.

This is definitely an issue, especially because I'm using a less powerful device, the ROG Ally. My friend is experiencing the same problem. We would both greatly benefit from FSR2 if it worked as intended. ^ I also tested it on a non gaming machine, my laptop. Both devices have the same issue.

I have tried various tests, exhausting all my options. I tested the default game, then I installed display tweaks as well. I tried all game modes, from borderless fullscreen to windowed borderless, as well as basic fullscreen. I also experimented with all the performance options available, but the performance never changes.


I love me some Skyrim but, in 2023, it's really starting to show its age. For me, it's the clunky walk animations, and quirky pathing (think robot walk into walls) that really sticks out, but there are other issues running the gamut from graphics to gameplay. Luckily for us, the game is imminently moddable so, surely, for anything that looks creaky to modern eyes, there has to be a mod for that.

So let me see some of your favorite mods to make Skyrim look and play like something out of the 2020s.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by postgeographix to c/skyrimmods

I still see people mentioning game crashes that they cant diagnose. Get this tool. It is invaluable in hunting down which mod(s) are causing instability. I can now have multi - hour play sessions WITHOUT A SINGLE CRASH - something i never thought possible.


I have trouble getting Blade and Blunt to work. Even if I disable all mods except this one and its requirements, skyrim crashes before i get the main menu. I can't find anything else online. I use GOG's skyrim and MO2. Any help or advice is appreciated.

Solution edit: Ok for anyone else having this problem, this youtube video explains how to fix it. Apparantly a txt-file with plugins isnt being communicated correctly from MO2 to GOG Skyrim.


I've now been working on my next modlist for nearly four months. screaming internally

First, I wanted to try new combat mods. Several million confusing animation set choices later, I think I have something working. I then got the wild idea of trying one of those methods of distributing random bodies to all NPCs in the game, so I downloaded about a hundred bodyslides for HIMBO and CBBE and got that working. Which tree mod? Which grass mod? I've changed my mind at least twice.

Then I figured out how to enable physics for things like hair and cloaks. Ooooh, neat! Except no, heavy fur cloaks should not swirl around like they're made of gauze what even is this do I have to turn it off again no wait, I am too busy downloading HDT-SMP patches for every armor set I'm using. Oh, these armor sets don't have OWL patches? I'll make some for myself. Learning how leveled lists work sure was interesting.

I tried to shake up the load order with different city and town overhauls than usual. Today I ripped them all out for JK's Skyrim because my test runs made me unhappy. Well, I kept some of Expanded Towns and Cities, which I liked a lot for its voiced NPCs. This meant I had to rebuild the EasyNPC face merge again. And all my merged patches. And all my lods.

Is there a yak shaving mod? I think I need it.

Send halp.


I'm curious to know which Spell Learning mods our illustrious community of degenerates prefers! Personally, I am partial to the seldom-endorsed DM's Spell Learning Overhaul. Not only does it have a great system based on DEST, it is totally configurable via mcm and is out-of-the-box compatible with all mods that add spell tomes. I'm glad to have found it after failing to run Spell Tutor on my 1.5.97 setup.

There are a plethora of options, but what do you like?


This mod allows you to see other world spaces as LODs. I never heard of it and it seems fairly underrated, I instantly added it to my load order after finding it this morning.


Look, if this post is too heavy for this community, feel free to remove it. Admittedly this is a very serious subject, and it occupies something of a grey area regarding suitable discourse that I'm uncertain of. But Gore is one of the more popular of the recent batch of follower mods to hit the Nexus, and it's because this situation is so serious that I feel there needs to be greater attention brought to it.

For those who aren't familiar, Gore was a follower written both as a way for the mod author to express deeply personal feelings about traumatic experiences that occurred in their own life and as a memorial to a transgender friend of theirs who passed away. In order to be welcoming to the greatest possible audience, Gore had dialog options in order to refer to players by non-binary pronouns, and in response to some backlash against the above, Gore's dev also uploaded optional textures that could be used to add top surgery scars to Gore, implying that Gore himself was transgender.

I imagine that these traits attracted a certain. . .audience of individuals who found the premise unpalatable.

Regardless of what one personally thinks about a follower being handled in the way Gore was, the fact that the situation ended in this manner concerns me deeply. Harassing not just the individual themselves, but someone's real life contacts over a follower mod being written in a divisive way is terrifying, and it sets a nightmarish precedent for how the Skyrim modding community might conduct itself in the future. I feel the need to discuss what happened here because not acknowledging issues like this just leads to them festering further.

The community here at Lemmy is small. But I think we should put our best foot forward in holding ourselves to a high standard. We should strive to maintain a civil, friendly demeanor not just on Lemmy, but in the Skyrim community as a whole. To that end, it's important to know what behavior is not civil and friendly, and what situations we should do our best to try to put a stop to if we see signs of it ramping up in the wild. Harassment of this nature is very much one of those situations. So I'd like to propose this. Let's do whatever little we can to ensure that a situation like this never happens again. If harassment is against the rules/TOS of a website, it should be reported. And if not, I strongly recommend pushing back against it. The Skyrim modding community deserves to be a place where people can feel safe. Let's make sure it is one.

EDIT It appears that development on Gore has resumed.

There is. . .a lot to unpack, but the TL;DR of it is that the people that Gore's mod author has accused of targeting his friends and family were a pair of women that he also claims had an unrequited crush on him and targeted him for that reason??? And in response, those two women have in turn accused him of being the one to have a creepy unrequited crush on them and that have threatened to doxx them and have posted on a now-deleted Reddit thread outlining their side of the story. This story seems highly plausible on its face, however one of the two accused individuals has been going back and making posts and edits after the thread has already closed that make her narrative increasingly shaky. Most notably, she claimed that another follower mod author named RabbittWinri was opposed to her repeatedly bringing up information about a third party because RabbittWinri was afraid said third party would be targeted by Gore's developer and his friends, which I personally decided to confront RabbitWinri about and received an incredibly blunt and noticeably confused response denying.


The evidence posted against Gore's developer has been revealed to be highly manipulated. The Reddit moderator that previously trusted the women who pressed counter-allegations against him has confirmed the legitimacy of this. I'm posting in bold text because considering the misinformation we've been fed, this update is important.

New information can be found HERE:

Part of my speculative discussion in the comments below this post involved suspicions of malicious editing in an image. AS IT TURNS OUT, THIS IS OUTRIGHT CONFIRMED TO APPLY TO THE AUDIO FILES, THE MOST DAMNING PART OF THE INITIAL REDDIT THREAD


The new Reddit thread also contains a full transcript of events compiled by a different moderator than the one involved in the post, for those hard of hearing.

In case it isn't clear, I would also like to point out that it's Alarycia's testimony that was refuted in the full footage which is now available. My own research turned up flaws in mookymilk's narrative. So it seems that both of them really were lying in tandem for some reason.

submitted 2 years ago by Rick to c/skyrimmods
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by SystemSearcher to c/skyrimmods

I've recently bumped into this little mod here. It basically just adds a toggle that makes it so that specific RaceMeny overlays you pick fade out when not in combat and fade in when they are in combat.


Makes for a rather rad effect, and I don't think I've seen anyone talk about this mod anywhere so might as well share it.

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