Skyrim Mods

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Skyrim Mods

This is a place to talk all about Skyrim Mods!


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Hey everyone, got a release to show off today!

The mod is called Painted Torment, and centres around Vane, an aspiring painter who is attempting to make his magnum opus. The player will be tasked with retrieving certain alchemical ingredients for Vane so he can mix the required pigments together.

While a simple premise, the mod features a rich and unique story, with a backstory not touched upon in vanilla Skyrim. It always draws some parallels from A Brush with Death from Oblivion, so fans of that quest should hopefully enjoy the mod!

Here's a showcase of the voice acting:

Here's the actual mod:

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy!


Hey everyone! I've just released a new mod called The Serpent's Covenant!

To put it simply, the mod centres around one main NPC, Alexia. She is a travelling mercenary who seeks to end the titular guild by killing its leader as she believes they seek to end all civilised society. Along the way, she'll be meeting a rather interesting member of this guild who will guide her to the head of the organisaiton, and inform her of the true motivations of the faction.

This mod delves into some topics not talked about in the base game and should make the player question their morality and if they agree with the cause of the guild. The mod is the largest I've made in a while, it features over 300 lines of well written dialogue voiced acted to an incredible standard, at least seven new points of interest to explore, consequences to your actions, and much more!

A showcase of Alexia's first encounter can be found here:

The mod can be found here:

Thanks for reading, hope you all like the mod, took me quite a bit to make haha

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by postgeographix to c/skyrimmods

I am setting up a new modlist, and testing as I go along. Last mod I installed was The Great City of Winterhold (which is great BTW) but when running around it, I noticed a few naked NPCs.

Then I coc to Whiterun, to do more testing and Aela, Farkas and Ria were fighting the Giant on the farm with nothing on, and no weapons (they were fighting unarmed!)

I opened Aela on SSEDIT and she has no issues - otft record, inventory with weapons all seem in order. Wondering what is causing this and how I can fix it.

Edit 1: see NSFW pic (because they are all naked) with More Informative Console here -

Is it a bad sign if the Base and the Ref are referring to different ESPs?

Edit 2: I worked it out. I had the first version of this mod - It was applying to NPCs, and they were naked because they were too low level for their gear. Because it is all script injected, it wasn't clear that there were any issues when looking at SSEEdit. The dangers of runtime-patching, manifest!




Hey everyone, just released a new quest mod, The Price of Art!

To put it quite simply, The Price of Art is a quest mod inspired by the story and life of Vincent Van Gogh. It features a travelling poet named Gaius, who seeks to heal the damage that he has sustained in the past. He will travel all over Skyrim in an encounter-based format, with each encounter you'll learn more about his incredibly interesting but tragic life.

The mod has some really high quality voice acting which can be viewed here: The whole mod has a total of 148 voice lines which I think is the most for one of my single NPC-centred mod!

Thanks for reading, here's the mod link!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/skyrimmods

I've spent most of my gaming time for the past year gradually applying more and more mods to Skyrim, and finally got around to trying Chanterelle last week.

It doesn't have much in the way of quests or npc dialogue, but everything it does have is top quality. Lots of wilderness to explore, a couple of dungeons to crawl. Somehow the landscapes feel more realistic than most of Skyrim. Recommended for those who enjoy walking around in the woods. There are many wonders to discover. Next new game I'm going to try starting there.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/skyrimmods

It allows older versions of Skyrim to handle files with the new plugin version number. Removes any temptation I might've had to install the update any time soon.

If you reverted to 1.6.640 for example and it was still crashing (as some reported) it's probably because they snuck a new .esl file in that you didn't notice, and this mod should fix that as well.

Even if we never get another Elder Scrolls game worthy of its legacy, Skyrim modding will continue.


In the unending quest to extract money from the mod scene, an update has arrived. Make sure to take a backup before you next launch the game from Steam. There's already a new release of SKSE but who knows what else might be freshly broken.


cross-posted from:


Hey, guys. I was on medical leave for three months last year and spent a good portion of that time modding the absolute hell out of my game. I made several merged mods via zMerge, have a plug-in called zPatch.esp which I can't recall the purpose of, an inactive (unchecked) Bashed Patch, and an active Smashed Patch.

The game would have been good to launch and go as it was, but I have better hardware now and installed Nature of the Wild Lands, subsequently deleting Happy Trees, Aspens Ablaze and Enhanced Vanilla Trees from my former mod list. In addition, I installed four of JK's Outskirts mods (Markarth, Riften, Solitude, Windhelm) that had released since I last played.

To keep my plug-ins under 250, I trimmed the fat by removing KS Dragon Overhaul, as well as Civil War Refugees Redux due to clipping incompatibilities with the JK's Outskirts mods.

So to make certain everything still plays together nicely, I believe I need to remake the Bashed Patch (leveled lists only), then include it in a Smashed Patch, and leave only that Smashed Patch active near the bottom of my load order? Is this the correct order?

And if so, any idea what I may have made that zPatch.esl for? I had following Sinitar's guide for a good portion of the mods before moving on to the endless acquisition of others, but primarily referred to GamerPoets videos for the more complicated things like merging, bashing, smashing and DynDOLOD.

Any help sparking my memory here would be greatly appreciated. I've already properly ran TexGen and DynDOLOD, and checked my merged mods to rebuild and relink scripts, so that much is sorted out.



Hey everyone! I just released another quest mod, The Breathing Abyss!

It's an ocean-based mod centred around finding out what a mysterious entity is, where it's from, and how it can be stopped. It has high quality voice acting and features multiple new locations, the main and largest being an underwater cavern.

Here's a showcase of the mod:

To go into more detail, the mod revolves around a mysterious entity who lives in an underwater cavern. Your goal is to uncover what the thing is, why it is there, and if there's any way to stop it. This will involve you speaking with a researcher of the paranormal, Manias.

He will require you to gather samples of the creature and its victims in order to learn vital information about the entity. The quest is heavily inspired by Lovecraft and his works, and it will delve into many of his notorious themes. I won't say anymore to prevent any spoilers :))

Here's the actual mod:

Thanks :))


I've only just started my career as a bard, but playing the flute badly any time I want to is the most fun I've had in Skyrim for years. I don't know how much more there is to this mod, but I'm already sure it's among the best.


This is a massive technological achievement that went completely unnoticed. Bluetooth integration! And no one noticed outside loverslab because LL.


Hey everyone!

I've just released an addon for Shattered called Hyperphagia! It's a joint project between me and Jake MacDonald, the voice actor and co-writer for this mod and project as a whole.

The addon seeks to build upon the existing lore I've established in some of my other addons. It's part of an ongoing project called the Age of Silence and will, as I mentioned, build upon some concepts and ideas I've brought up in previous addons. In the mod, you'll be able to communicate with a Seeker and ask them many questions in exchange for ruined books. This is the first addon to fully cement a main story and is only one of six (?) more mods that me and Jake have planned.

Here's a showcase of the mod:

Here's the mod page:



Hey everyone!

I've just released Lost Heritage, a quest mod heavily inspired by Bloodborne and its quest design! The mod features three brand new locations, around 100 lines of dialogue, and two very distinct endings.

The mod itself revolves around a girl named Mal and her quest to uncover the truth of her heritage. She's afflicted with an incredibly mysterious illness which renders her unable to go on this quest, and so you must try piece this mystery together! It's quite a dark quest, and will bring up many questions, most of which will be answered as you progress through the encounters. I won't say anymore so as to not spoil anything :))

Here's a showcase of the mod:

Thank you to Elizabeth Plant for doing an incredible job voicing Mal, her website can be found here:

And here's the link to the mod:

Thank you all for reading!


I like small mods that make a big difference. It's simply a better Magelight that comes in various colours. If you've got lighting mods that make dark places really dark, it's all the more useful. I like the red one, since it looks okay and a backyard astronomer long ago told me that red is the colour to use to avoid spoiling your night vision.

It may require a bug fix or two if you want to put down large numbers of lights everywhere, such as along the roads as you travel at night in the fog at new moon. I think it was possibly the Community Shaders "light limit fix" which made that work for me.

But even without that, it's nice to be able to stick a few long-lasting colourful lights on the ceiling in the course of a dungeon crawl to light up a big area when your cover is blown and you want to see what's going on, and to mark where you've been. Or depending on other lighting settings, just make it possible to see who you're talking to in the Ragged Flagon. It changed Magelight from something I never bothered using to one of my most-used spells.


I have recently encountered a glitch where the "Reluctant Steward" quest given by Neloth in Tel Mithryn on Solstheim to find his dead steward would not show me any quest markers to find her corpse next to three Ash Spawn. I had scoured YouTube for a solution and only found people showing how to fix the glitch where the quest marker is beyond the map border and how to get to her corpse deep underwater.

The mod mentioned in the title, however, has fixed my problem by simply teleporting her corpse to the steward's house in Tel Mithryn, making it possible to investigate her corpse and progress the quest.

Had it not been for this mod, I would not have been able to further progress the questline, and considering the limitations of PS4/5 mods for Skyrim, I felt like sharing this with you guys in case anybody else encounters this issue.

It's just a couple hundred bytes large and should not interfere with any of your other mods and their orders as this seems to simply teleport a or the stripped corpse.


After 500h into the game it's really annoying now I want it gone, if you know a way to remove it please help


I've installed a dozen more mods and am starting out in Skyrim once again. I can't remember any other one that's made a bigger difference than this. Finally my personal version of Skyrim has forests that feel like real forests, where you can't see all that far a lot of the time and it'd be easy to get lost if you didn't have a compass.

Sure, that is achieved by making the trees fantastically big and closer together than you'd expect for such giants, but it makes sense to me and it looks great from ground level when you're in the woods. There's obviously less gravity on Nirn judging from how high I can jump carrying a 200kg backpack, so why shouldn't the trees grow bigger? The only problem I've seen so far is that wild animals occasionally have trouble navigating, such as an elk that just ran headfirst into a tree instead of going anywhere. But they do that kind of thing sometimes in pure vanilla Skyrim as well.

It's just beautiful. I prefer "mythic" mode. It's what I always wanted in a video game forest.


is that just skyrim thing or one of the mod causing the problem


Hey everyone!

Today I've released a very small mod called Melea Entius Tweaks! It's an addon for Interesting NPCs that changes how a character named Melea is treated. It was originally a commission done by me but me and the... commissioner (?) have decided to upload it.

For those who don't know Melea is a sick mother who has a mysterious but terminal illness and she is preparing to pass away. Her daughter, Henrietta, will be adopted by Indara and Mathies, a couple whose birth daughter was killed, once Melea passes away.

Now, in Interesting NPCs, she never dies but my mod, Melea Entius Tweaks fixes this (I know how morbid this sounds). After 3 weeks from initially talking to her, Melea will now pass away and a grave will be placed just at the border of Falkreath, opposite the lumber mill. Here, her daughter will visit her everyday and so can you. Henrietta will now be adopted by the family and she'll have new, although very limited dialogue. A full list of changes can be found on the mod page.

Here's the mod link:

That's it from me, thanks!


Hey everyone! After quite a bit of work, I've finally released Memorable Bounties! It's the second mod in the "Memorable" series after my first mod, Memorable Dragons!

It's a pretty self-explanatory name but it adds in new and interesting bounties for the player to take on. I always thought vanilla bounties were incredibly lacklustre when comparing them to games like the Witcher 3 so I made three new quests! They are all fully voiced acted by incredibly talented people, you can hear it for yourself here:

I'll give a brief overview of each quest so you can get an idea of what the mod contains without spoiling anything.

"Sins of Silver" After venturing to a brand new village, you find a man who is raving about the destruction of his village by a mercenary. You are tasked with exploring the ruins of the town, speaking with the mercenary yourself, and deciding his fate. This quest is heavily inspired by "Where the Cat and Wolf Play" from the Witcher 3 and adds a brand new ruined village for the player to explore.

"The Grand Deceiver", the murder of a family, has warranted a bounty on a mysterious beast. Speak with a man now looking after the son of this family to learn more about the contract. Once you've learned all you can, find the monster and learn its tragic story. This quest expands upon my favourite Daedric Prince, Clavicus Vile, and tells an incredibly interesting story.

"The Path to Redemption", after reading a bounty, you learn that a bandit leader has been spotted hiding in the mountains of Winterhold. Once you venture there, you learn that the man is no longer a threat and has instead turned to the Nine Divines in an attempt to atone for his sins. Learn about his past and make a tough moral decision that will decide his fate.

Thank you for all reading, here's the link to the mod:


They said Nemesis automatically patch skeleton arm fix but that doesn't seem to be the case for me, can anyone please help me out?

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