Media Player Classic

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Media Player Classic

MPC-HC | Home Cinema

MPC-BE | Black Edition

founded 6 months ago

1.8.3 - 2025-02-07

StreamReader Fixed freezing in some situations.

MatroskaSplitter Fixed duration detection for some files.

MP4Splitter Improved ignoring of corrupted video tracks.

MPCVideoDec Removed RGB to YUV conversion. Added "Convert to RGB" setting.

YouTube Improved YouTube support in the built-in parser. Improved yt-dlp support. Added "Preferred audio format" setting for the built-in YouTube parser. Improved language track selection for region-specific languages ​​that do not have a separate setting. If the audio track language is not found, the default track for this video will be used.

Subtitles Fixed crash on some PGS subtitles.

Player Added the ability to receive the displayed video frame on a 10-bit display in RGB48 format when using MPC Video Renderer or later. Fixed playlist operation with clipboard. MPC Video Renderer will be used by default if it is installed and available. Fixed the "Enable dark title" setting. Accelerated cancellation of opening online links. Fixed enabling/disabling shaders on pause in the "Shader Combiner" dialog.

Installer MPC Video Renderer will be installed by default. Added MPC Script Source 0.2.5. Updated MPC Video Renderer 0.9.3. Compiling the installer requires InnoSetup 6.4.0 or later.

Updated German translation (by Klaus1189). Updated Hungarian translation (by mickey). Updated Chinese (Simplified) translation (by wushantao and nothingshiru). Updated Turkish translation (by cmhrky). Updated Italian translation (by mapi68). Updated Spanish translation (by IPeluchito). Updated Romanian translation (by Andrei Miloiu). Updated Dutch and Chinese (Traditional) translation (by beter). Updated Japanese translation (by tsubasanouta). Updated Korean translation (by midist). Updated Slovenian translation.

Updated libraries: dav1d 1.5.1; ffmpeg n7.2-dev-1227-gc6194b50b1; libdivide 5.1.0; libflac 1.4.3; libogg 1.3.5; MediaInfo git-v24.12-12-geb2364e11; nanosvg git-ea6a6ac; rapidjson v1.1.0-761-gd621dc9e.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by A32topsL to c/mediaplayerclassic

I used to answer there maybe weekly or at least monthly, and I don't remember any spam activity at all. All posts I remember back there were asking for how to.

So no idea why the Reddit AI got triggered to ban the sub, but back then I noticed Subreddits were indeed banned quite often for whatever reason, with the Spam accusation as the default.

Now, one common issue was performance issue, like the player's response time and lagging. One simple solution to try is:

  1. View, or Right click
  2. Renderer Settings
  3. Reset
  4. Reset to default/optimal renderer settings
  • Shaders also increase CPU usage especially Pre-Resize.
  • Repeated editing of Matroska files, like repeated tagging (adding covers, deleting, saving, etc.), may result to slower playback performance of the file. Solution is to simply remux it with MKVToolNix, not FFmpeg.

With slower machines like Pentium 4, the lag or slow response time, and then the player's quicker performance after resetting are noticeable.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by A32topsL to c/mediaplayerclassic
  • So far only MPC-HC, MPC-BE, PotPlayer, and KMPlayer have the ability to auto-rotate the MKV / Matroska video during playback, hence no need to press the shortcut keys every time.

  • Such could be done two ways, and it's better to use both at the same time, since most of the players above only support one method. I think only MPC-HC supports both.

  • First method is to use MKVToolNix GUI's Header Editor and modify the value of Video: Projection Roll Rotation, say a value of 90 to rotate to 90 degrees to the right (270 to rotate to the left, 180 to seemingly flip vertically upside down). Save.

  • Second method is to embed XML tag for the Video track (not Global), which should contain something like this below, say a file 90.xml.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- <!DOCTYPE Tags SYSTEM "matroskatags.dtd"> -->
  • With a BATCH file, it could be done simultaneously, like below, which uses mkvmerge.exe to remux the MKV to a subfolder DONE.
for %%Z in ("*.mkv") do (echo %%~nxZ
  (mkvmerge.exe -o "DONE\%%~nZ.mkv" ^
      --projection-pose-roll 0:90 ^
      --tags 0:"90.xml" ^
  • With BATCH, you could also make it so that the newly remuxed MKV would be auto-copied over to overwrite the old MKV file. Even auto-delete the BATCH file itself (by simply putting del "%~f0" at the very end, last).

  • Note, both methods above are lossless, no re-encoding needed. IIRC, mkvpropedit.exe could also be used to embed the XML file, but from my own experience, it's always better to use mkvmerge.exe to remux to a new MKV file, because there is a chance for the Matroska file to have issues like being unresponsive to the seekbar. The same issue could manifest too after using third party tag / metadata editors over and over. And so, you would need to remux anyway.

  • Also, although I'm basing it from memory, IIRC, the second method (tag/metadata/XML file) works on old hardware like Windows XP era, which mostly have no EVR / Enhanced Video Renderer back then yet. My assumption is because the rotation is done via software mode. Hence the more reason to use both methods, just in case one fails or is not supported.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by A32topsL to c/mediaplayerclassic

Media Player Classic (MPC), Media Player Classic - Home Cinema (MPC-HC), and Media Player Classic - Black Edition (MPC-BE) are a family of free and open-source, compact, lightweight, and customizable media players for 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows. The original MPC, along with the MPC-HC fork, mimic the simplistic look and feel of Windows Media Player 6.4, but provide most options and features available in modern media players. Variations of the original MPC and its forks are standard media players in the K-Lite Codec Pack and the Combined Community Codec Pack.

This project is now principally maintained by the community at the Doom9 forum. The active forks are Media Player Classic - Home Cinema (MPC-HC) by clsid2 (same developer known as clsid responsible for MPC, and Media Player Classic - Black Edition (MPC-BE) by aleksoid.