no-systemd linux community

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Running linux without systemd (in various degrees of disablement) brings certain challengers to user/sys-admins and distro-devs alike. We can maybe exchange methods, tricks, procedures, patches to keep the effort going, or at least talk about dealing with the approach. It is not easy but it is not impossible either, depending on what you expect.

founded 1 year ago

As you may read in the closed issue on eudev above, libgudev (a dependency of upower2 and other automount volume software) needed a specific version and function of systemd-udev to work, specifically 251 or above. The eudev project only supported up to 243 compatibility and you couldn't full libgudev by providing the higher tag number, it searched for a simple function that was added in udev later than 243. Someone from gentoo developed a patch adding this specific function and the problem was solved for 3.2.12. A few days later the patch was incorporated into the code together with a few more fixes in version 3.2.14

But systemd is up to 254.5 by now, and things like this will continure to happen.

The alternative that is under full and promising development is written from scratch, unlike eudev (an old clone of systemd's udev), by the author of s6 ( called mdevd

Also, for compatibility with X and wayland needs there is libudev-zero that has worked flawlessly. The combination of the two as utilised in some BSD distros, leads to a healthier development of cleaner lighter software that we are used to in linux.