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"I took the one less traveled by"

-Robert Frost

founded 1 year ago

As it stands it looks like it's time to think about migrating to another platform. May this be your official welcome to a new world!

Thank you and have fun!



If you look at the link you might... still not fully understand the goal of the deck, and that's because there isn't one. Or to be more precise - the goal of the deck is to defy consistency, and avoid having a single "goal" altogether. To do so many Jank ideas at once that every game will represent a new adventure. I want it to take a dozen games before I ever find myself playing the same strat twice.

Sidenote before continuing, budget is $50.

By keeping the theme mostly to things with the word "copy" on them, and with a little ingenuity, I think that I can make a deck that can consistently be the most nonconsistent combo deck anyone at my LGS will have ever seen.

For examples of what I have so far:

[[Hornet Queen]] + [[Mystic Reflection]] = 5 queens and 16 backup dancers, all flying deathtouch, with total power 26. Maybe not as "game winning" as a 9-mana combo "should" be but it'll force a boardwipe if anything ever will and make 3 people at a table scared as hell, so we rock it.

[[Kiki-Jiki, the Mirror-Breaker]] + Mutate. Oh right I forgot to mention this is also a mutate deck, because there's a critical benefit to mutate: it strips away "legendary". If I have Kiki-Jiki on table and mutate over him, my opponents get one round to remove him (less if I use a Flash mutate). Otherwise, during my prior player's end step, I make infinite clones by targeting the now nonlegendary Kiki with himself, and they won't go away until my end step. Enough time to kill a table.

And as long as we're packing mutate, [[Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief]] gets a free ticket to ride along as well. Unlikely to win any games directly, but by golly if it isn't fun to get double value on those spells.

[[Spellskite]] + [[Venerated Rotpriest]]. These two don't directly combo on their own, but if I have a way to make a copy of the spellskite, then the next time any player casts a targeted spell I can pay 20 life to kill them on the spot. That's a lot even by commander standards but if Aetherflux combo players can pay 50, then clearly 20 is a steal, so we run it. Shut the fuck up about our lack of lifegain, it's fine. Life is a resource.

Then we get to more "traditional" combos, like [[Dualcaster]] + Cloning spells, Kiki-Jiki + [[Pestermite]], and of course [[Kalamax]] himself + [[Reverberate]] to make him infinitely powerful given a timely reverb during an opponent's turn. Threw in a [[Biovisionary]] for good measure.

I acknowledge that this deck is primed to technically be best under [[Riku of Two Reflections]] but he's pricy against my budget, he's an obvious threat who's liable to get insta-removed, he's 5 mana, and he's just not as fun as having a big-ass dinosaur who sometime has 12 trillion counters on him. I further acknowledge that, for a combo deck, this one does an awful lot of the "giving the table a round to poke at my threats" space that combo decks normally exist to avoid, but I'm prepared to swallow that in the name of Janky glory.

I am not looking to shore up the above two concerns; my focus is instead on adding more jank combos to this deck, or cards that help fortify existing ones. This is a deck that is, in essence, designed to live off of the natural resonance of cards whose effects "rhyme", which ideally go a little bit insane if you poke them in just the right way (such as with Mutate, which is such a beautiful mechanic that I can and have ranted for hours about how much of a shame it is that WotC decided to make it parasitic and therefore unlikely to return anytime soon).

And also, to remind everyone about both the theme of this deck and my normal rule-of-jank: No tutors allowed, unless they're fucking stupid!