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In a quaint, sunlit village lived a reclusive artist named Eliza, whose days were spent in quiet solitude, creating whimsical illustrations and crafting heartfelt poems. The townsfolk often marveled at the colorful strokes of her paintbrush and the vivid verses that danced from her quill. Little did they know, every brush stroke and word on the page were a testament to her journey of self-discovery and healing. As Eliza's art found its way into the hearts of her community, it served as a gentle reminder that even in life's darkest moments, one could find beauty, love, and the courage to start anew.


Niko, an aged Greek Sea Captain, has memories of when his life choice of the sea affected the people he loved.


The Devine Way is the story of a station of Marines and its new leader looking for a “few good men.” Located in the heart of New York City, these Marines remain in constant contact 365 days a year in the battle for enlistments. Many have gone to ruin in this arena. The new commander is a tank officer, a non-volunteer without recruiting experience! He walks into a horrible setting, quickly becoming mired in the tangle of a decimated staff, a dirty pool of candidates, and a severe recruiter shortage.


The massive stones on Salisbury Plain of England, holding a mysterious secret concealed for centuries. An archeologist stubbles upon the secret and unleashes an entity imprisoned since Atlantis existence, this sets out a Texas Ranger to find his brother's killer and shows him the phenomenon of Stonehenge Prophesy.


Mickey Cassman is the varsity wrestling coach at Troy High School. His team just won the biggest match of the year, and the league championship. After the season, Mickey is informed that he is being transferred to Mayville High School, where their wrestling program needs rebuilding. As the new wrestling season begins, Coach Cassman is faced with many issues that wrestlers encounter. The story portrays a high school coach helping his athletes overcome issues in their lives and building life-long experiences.


This is a spiritual book that everyone should take the time to read. It entails the story of a woman who lived a life of extreme misfortune and hardship. Then a special friend came into her life and taught her the many things we all need to know in order to live peacefully and content. Life isn’t easy and we could all use some spiritual guidance to help us ride the rollercoaster of life. This publication covers death, sleep, dreaming, spiritual reflection, self-awareness, our cosmic destiny, and the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It also explains the elements of the books of Genesis and Revelation which describe the creation of the original Heaven and Earth as well as the new Heaven and Earth which will be perfect and free from sin and evil. Prayer and meditation are essential in order for us to align with our true identity which is our spirit. Living a life of spiritual awareness is the secret to happiness and an everlasting life of love and glory.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This book teaches about Godly love from the Holy Scriptures. God has fully enabled His children to express and in fact, be love (agapē) just as He is love. The word love has been made common in our culture. I discuss by the leadership of the Holy Spirit, the importance of elevating this word to its very special place. This love should only be used in reference to God and other people. I put forth and discuss the three major components of this special, exceptionally important, and highest love.


My Third Parents: From Filipino Orphanage to an American Dream" is the remarkable story of Dr. Fernando Kuehnel's life journey, which takes him from a challenging childhood in a Filipino orphanage to the streets of Manila, where he scavenged for food and scrap metal. Adopted twice by American couples, he faces culture shock, heartbreak, and isolation, but ultimately finds his true passion in life. Through searing loss and hard-won happiness, the narrative explores themes of love, family, and resilience. Dr. Kuehnel's quest to understand the meaning of family is a gripping and emotional tale of hope, disappointment, and the enduring power of love. Furthermore, the book's proceeds support, a charitable organization aiding orphanages and foster homes worldwide.


"Hearts Ablaze" by Dr. Rita Thornton is a powerful guide for those seeking to escape and heal from abusive relationships. This transformative journey is illuminated with hope and practical steps to navigate the path to recovery. It encourages individuals to acknowledge the truth about their abusive relationships, empowering them to find resilience and strength within. Dr. Thornton's unique perspective as an abuse survivor, Christian leader, and professor adds profound wisdom and empathy to the healing process. Her emphasis on the connection between spirituality and recovery offers a holistic approach. Readers learn transformative steps to rebuild their lives, nurturing self-love and growth. This book is not only a source of guidance but a beacon of hope, providing the courage and support needed to escape the shadows of abuse and step into a life filled with newfound freedom and strength. "Hearts Ablaze" is a lifeline for those seeking refuge, offering the promise of empowerment and healing for women who have felt trapped in emotionally abusive relationships.


Embracing Trust: Navigating the Complexities of Relationships


In the intricate tapestry of human connections, trust stands as the cornerstone, delicately woven between hearts and minds. Yet, there exists a juncture that many inevitably face - the haunting specter of betrayal. "Cheat Is Not a Word" delves into this realm, extending an invitation to explore the labyrinthine emotions that follow being deceived by a significant other. Through this process, it becomes apparent that we possess the power to transcend the illusion of betrayal, emerging stronger and wiser.

The Root of Hurt: Unmasking Deception

At its core, this exploration unravels the fabric of deception, revealing it to be the seed of hurt and pain. Within these moments of untruth, wounds are inflicted, scars etched into the fragile skin of trust. The discovery that prevarications are the root cause of this anguish is a pivotal revelation, setting the stage for profound introspection.

Cultivating Lasting Relationships

The relationships we cultivate hold the potential for boundless growth, offering fertile ground for love, laughter, joy, and peace of mind to flourish. However, for this garden to thrive, it requires diligent tending, with the seeds of trust sown deeply into the soil. When both parties are unwavering in their commitment to honesty and transparency, the foundation is laid for a partnership that stands the test of time.

Vulnerability: The Crucible of Trust

In the realm of human connection, vulnerability is the crucible from which trust is forged. It is in the act of opening oneself up to another that the potential for deception arises. While a source of strength, this vulnerability also becomes a beacon for potential harm. Yet, to shield oneself from this vulnerability is to deny the very essence of genuine connection.

Shared Responsibility: The Two-Way Street of Trust

It is imperative to acknowledge that trust is a two-way street. It is not solely the responsibility of one party to bear the burden of proof, but rather a shared commitment to integrity and authenticity. When trust flows freely between partners, it fosters an environment where both can flourish, their souls basking in the warmth of acceptance and understanding.

The Journey Towards Redemption

The journey toward a relationship rooted in trust demands introspection and self-awareness. It requires a willingness to confront the shadows of doubt and insecurity that may linger in the wake of betrayal. By navigating these emotional landscapes, we emerge not as victims, but as victors, armed with the knowledge that we possess the strength to transcend betrayal's grip.

The Power of Communication: Illuminating the Shadows

Through this odyssey, we unearth the power of communication as a beacon of light in the darkest moments. It is through open, honest dialogue that the roots of mistrust can be exposed and, ultimately, replaced with the seeds of understanding. This exchange of vulnerability strengthens the bonds that hold us together, fortifying the very foundation upon which our relationships stand.


In conclusion, "Cheat Is Not a Word" extends an invaluable invitation - to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to confront the specter of betrayal with unwavering resolve, and to emerge on the other side, stronger and more capable of embracing the beauty that genuine trust bestows upon our lives. For in the end, it is not in the avoidance of betrayal that we find solace, but in the steadfast embrace of trust, knowing that it is through this vulnerability that we truly connect with one another.




In the intricate tapestry of human connections, trust stands as the cornerstone, delicately woven between hearts and minds. Yet, there exists a juncture that many inevitably face - the haunting specter of betrayal. "Cheat Is Not a Word" delves into this realm, extending an invitation to explore the labyrinthine emotions that follow being deceived by a significant other. Through this process, it becomes apparent that we can transcend the illusion of betrayal, emerging stronger and wiser.

The Root of Hurt: Unmasking Deception

At its core, this exploration unravels the fabric of deception, revealing it to be the seed of hurt and pain. It is within these moments of untruth that wounds are inflicted, scars etched into the fragile skin of trust. The discovery that prevarications are the root cause of this anguish is a pivotal revelation, setting the stage for profound introspection.

Cultivating Lasting Relationships

The relationships we cultivate hold the potential for boundless growth, offering fertile ground for love, laughter, joy, and peace of mind to flourish. However, for this garden to thrive, it requires diligent tending, with the seeds of trust sown deeply into the soil. When both parties are unwavering in their commitment to honesty and transparency, the foundation is laid for a partnership that stands the test of time.

Vulnerability: The Crucible of Trust

In human connection, vulnerability is the crucible from which trust is forged. It is in the act of opening oneself up to another that the potential for deception arises. This vulnerability, while a source of strength, also becomes a beacon for potential harm. Yet, to shield oneself from this vulnerability is to deny the very essence of genuine connection.

Shared Responsibility: The Two-Way Street of Trust

It is imperative, then, to acknowledge that trust is a two-way street. It is not solely the responsibility of one party to bear the burden of proof, but rather a shared commitment to integrity and authenticity. When trust flows freely between partners, it fosters an environment where both can flourish, their souls basking in the warmth of acceptance and understanding.

The Journey Towards Redemption

The journey toward a relationship rooted in trust demands introspection and self-awareness. It requires a willingness to confront the shadows of doubt and insecurity that may linger in the wake of betrayal. By navigating these emotional landscapes, we emerge not as victims, but as victors, armed with the knowledge that we possess the strength to transcend betrayal's grip.

The Power of Communication: Illuminating the Shadows

Through this odyssey, we unearth the power of communication as a beacon of light in the darkest moments. It is through open, honest dialogue that the roots of mistrust can be exposed and, ultimately, replaced with the seeds of understanding. This exchange of vulnerability strengthens the bonds that hold us together, fortifying the very foundation upon which our relationships stand.


In conclusion, "Cheat Is Not a Word" extends an invaluable invitation - to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to confront the specter of betrayal with unwavering resolve, and to emerge on the other side, stronger and more capable of embracing the beauty that genuine trust bestows upon our lives. For in the end, it is not in the avoidance of betrayal that we find solace, but in the steadfast embrace of trust, knowing that it is through this vulnerability that we truly connect with one another.


I finally finished this book this week (I took a year long break somewhere around page 400) and it's left an impression but I'm still not sure what I think.

It's a book set during the Third Reich told from the point of view of a cynical SS officer - but not so cynical he still doesn't think there's still some value in the work that he does. And his work takes us from the Einsatzgruppen Death Squads, Stalingrad, Auschwitz and explores other dark places, including his extremely disturbed personal life - it's not an easy read. He meets several real life characters, famous and obscure, notably Himmler, Eichmann and the commandant of Auschwitz, Hoss.

There's not much unreliable narrator stuff going on actually, because he's not particularly repentant about his crimes despite obviously being scarred by them - the narrative voice is more like one of the downtrodden private investigators you'd get in a detective novel. It's especially interesting to explore the Nazi mindset from a perspective from someone who's cultured, intelligent, and has decided to incorporate it into their worldview and can argue to himself, or for the reader's benefit or both - why what he's doing is the 'right' thing, or at least no less unacceptable than what is going on on the other sides in the war.

On the downside - this book feels far longer than it needed to be. It's nearly 1000 pages long and without spoiling too much I didn't feel like the relationship with the narrator's twin sister or how things resolved with his mother were necessary in an already packed book. They ultimately don't really go anywhere important and feel like filler.

I really liked the lack of sentimentality in the book though, there's no attempt to make the situation better than what it was. It's probably not something that anyone would want to go through without some interest in the Nazi period; that said given what's just happened to Israeli and Palestinian civilians it's a reminder that the potential is always there for people in organisations to treat life as a cheap thing to be dispensed with if that's what their leaders say

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Unraveling Foundations

"They Call Her Sofia" invites readers on a poignant journey through the life of Sofia Vega. Her story begins in the embrace of her first love, a connection so profound it seemed unbreakable. Yet, as time unfurled, the fissures in their once-solid marriage began to appear, leaving Sofia adrift amidst a storm of unfamiliar emotions.

Navigating New Waters

Stepping tentatively into the dating world, Sofia encountered a diverse cast of characters, each offering a different facet of human connection. Among them, one man stood out, capturing her heart and imagination. However, hidden beneath the surface was a web of deceit that left Sofia with a bitter taste of betrayal. Determined never to be ensnared again, she vowed to master the art of playing by her own rules.

The Transformation

As she honed this newfound skill, a transformation swept over Sofia. Men vied for her attention, their desires burning like a flame, willing to go to any lengths to claim her as their own. Yet, amidst this newfound allure, Sofia paused, reflecting on the echoes of past relationships. It was in this moment of introspection that she realized the power of her own agency.

A Journey Inward

Retreating from the tumultuous dating scene, Sofia embarked on a journey of self-discovery. She delved into the depths of her own soul, seeking to understand the intricate layers that defined her essence. Through this process, she unearthed a reservoir of strength and self-worth that had long lain dormant, waiting for her to recognize its presence.

Filling Her Own Cup

It was in the quiet moments of solitude that Sofia learned to fill her own cup. She discovered the joy of nurturing her own passions, of finding solace in her own company. No longer reliant on external validation, Sofia's sense of self blossomed into a radiant force, illuminating the path ahead.

The Unveiling

In the end, they called her Sofia not because of the men who sought her, but for the indomitable spirit that now resided within her. Her journey was not one of finding love in others, but of uncovering the boundless reservoir of love that dwelled within herself.

A Testament to Resilience

Through trials and tribulations, heartaches, and triumphs, Sofia Vega emerged as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Her story serves as a beacon of inspiration for those navigating their own tumultuous seas of self-discovery, reminding us all that the truest and most enduring love is the one we cultivate for ourselves.


Unlocking Urban America's Social Recipes" by James Newsome is a carefully written exploration of the multifaceted socio-political landscape that defines contemporary American urban centers. This literary offering is an erudite dissection of the historical and contemporary forces governing political power, racial inequity, and social engagement within the United States.

The author intends his readers to reflect on the intricate web of the nation's political dynamics. Newsome, with eloquence and precision, challenges the efficacy of the prevailing two-party system, positing that it inadequately represents the aspirations of minority populations. He deftly contends that both major political parties often fall short of genuinely addressing the concerns of these demographics, thereby prompting a thorough reevaluation of the prevailing political paradigm.

The book casts an incisive spotlight on the protracted struggle for minority voting rights, retracing historical impediments such as poll taxes, literacy tests, and intimidation tactics. It also brings to the forefront the modern-day impediments to minority enfranchisement, accentuating the necessity of active civic engagement and strategic voting. Newsome ardently urges minorities to harness their political influence to catalyze meaningful transformations.

As readers get to the depth of this intellectually invigorating opus, they will encounter evocative narratives that vividly depict the socio-political terrain of America's urban societies. Newsome's prose exudes authenticity, kindling introspection and encouraging readers to contemplate their convictions and principles in the context of an evolving society.

"Unlocking Urban America's Social Recipes" stands as a seminal work, intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant. It confronts preconceived notions and beckons readers to embrace the transformative potency of civic participation. In an epoch marked by shifting social paradigms, this book serves as a compelling compass for those seeking a profound comprehension of the intricate facets of urban existence, political intricacies, and the enduring pursuit of equality. Within these pages, the healing power of faith in the face of formidable challenges shines as a beacon of hope and confidence. Readers are invited to venture on a journey of gratitude for the strength of relationships that endure while learning to identify and address the red flags of our society.

Through candid communication, unwavering honesty, and deliberate choices, Newsome paints a vivid portrait of destiny shaped by the bonds of friendship and the profound force of love. This book offers inspiration for readers to embark on a journey of self-awareness, armed with the weapons of positivity and motivation. It encourages moments of profound reflection on life lessons that echo long after the final page is turned.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

He started playing the violin at 5. At 13, he received a scholarship to the Peabody Institute of Baltimore. At 15, he received a scholarship to the Julliard School of Music in New York. At 21, he led his own orchestra.
But his most cherished accomplishment was his invitation to be guest soloist with the New York Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. But the dreaded disease wouldn’t leave him. The day of the performance he had a fever and could not walk. Would he make THE LAST CONCERT?


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No matter which October vibes you’re here for — the cozy ones or the creepy ones — we’ve got plenty of new manga picks for you!

43 spoke with author Laura Krantz about her new book "Is There Anybody Out There?"


It used to be a todo list set up where I just check off and add whatever books caught my interest but it wasn't very shareable so I moved onto storygraph which I liked more than goodreads as the data visualization and breakdown of books via tags and moods gives me a better idea of where I tend to lean in books I seek out and which genres I rarely touch at all.


Science fiction can lead people to be more cautious about the potential consequences of innovations. It can help people think critically about the ethics of science. Researchers have also found that sci-fi serves as a positive influence on how people view science. Science fiction scholar Istvan Csicsery-Ronay calls this "science-fictional habits of mind."


Just finished Blood, Sweat, and Pixels. Really enjoyed it, hungry for another good game dev (especially stories from the industry) book. I’ve read Significant Zero as well but not a ton yet so throw out whatever!

@books #books


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Shadow libraries, sometimes called pirate libraries, consist of texts aggregated outside the legal framework of copyright.

Today's pirate libraries have their roots in the work of Russian academics to digitize texts in the 1990s. Scholars in that part of the world had long had a thriving practice of passing literature and scientific information underground, in opposition to government censorship—part of the samizdat culture, in which banned documents were copied and passed hand to hand through illicit channels. Those first digital collections were passed freely around, but when their creators started running into problems with copyright, their collections “retreated from the public view," writes Balázs Bodó, a piracy researcher based at the University of Amsterdam. "The text collections were far too valuable to simply delete," he writes, and instead migrated to "closed, membership-only FTP servers."

More recently, though, those collections have moved online, where they are available to anyone who knows where to look.

The purpose of this site, then, is to have all these libraries at our fingertips when in need of a certain text or book.

As Aaron Swartz put it:

"Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves."

We need to take information, wherever it is stored, make our copies and share them with the world. We need to take stuff that's out of copyright and add it to the archive. We need to buy secret databases and put them on the Web. We need to download scientific journals and upload them to file sharing networks. We need to fight for Guerilla Open Access.

With enough of us, around the world, we'll not just send a strong message opposing the privatization of knowledge — we'll make it a thing of the past. Will you join us?

Read the full text of the Guerilla Open Access Manifesto


Reading advocate and icon Levar Burton will serve as the first actor to lead Banned Books Week as the honorary chair.

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