Andrew already answered, but I thought I would add that while I used to block communities all the time on Lemmy, here I never do (I confirmed: I have zero communities currently blocked).
The reason is that I used to hunt through the All feed to find new content, and so I wanted to clean that up a bit by blocking communities that I would never be interested in. Whereas now, I go through the Subscribed feed and the individual Topic ones instead. Those still show their content regardless of whether you are subscribed or not. So e.g. if you wanted to avoid politics most of the time then you could just not subscribe to any (or perhaps just avoid the largest and/or most contentious ones), and yet the News & Politics Topic is always there for you if you ever did want to access that subject matter, more rarely. Thus you can have your cake (no politics, in your Subscribed feed) and eat it too (yes politics, on demand).
Plus now we have the user customizable and shareable Feeds as well, allowing further refinement of that process (e.g. politics but specifically excluding !
A third method of keeping updated with content - besides the feeds on your home page and Topics/user Feeds - is to click the bell icon besides the community name to always receive a notification for every single post from it. You can do this for pretty much anything btw - a community, a post, a user, a comment, and you can even use it to stop receiving notifications for things that on Lemmy you would have no choice but to - e.g. content of your own that you are tired of getting notifications for but people won't stop pestering you about it.
I hope these examples offer some ideas how you might want to make full use of PieFed's variety of methods of providing content. Obviously these are not the only ways to approach matters, and definitely do what works best for you, and maybe let us know how you are enjoying it from time to time!? ๐