
joined 1 year ago
[–] Just_Pizza_Crust 1 points 1 month ago

In a general sense of messaging, that totally makes sense. Biden has raised the capital gains tax and reclassified cannabis, while Trump is a criminal who committed election fraud. I want people who live in swing states to vote for Biden for the sake of us all.

Specifically about the issue of voting though, am I missing something?

[–] Just_Pizza_Crust 15 points 1 month ago

"...I am part-hippie, part-fascist, part-libertarian, and mostly just a Republican..."

First thing I saw there. I'm glad to see they're such a diverse group lol.

[–] Just_Pizza_Crust 5 points 1 month ago

It probably algorithmically categorizes them by crossposts and association of users across multiple subreddits. So the colors don't really mean anything in specific, the algorithm determined they're associated with each other and created a colorized "family" to show association.

Check out 'I Made a Graph of Wikipedia... This Is What Found' if you wanna learn more.

[–] Just_Pizza_Crust 48 points 1 month ago

I helped actively resist his killology training seminars in Spokane, WA a few years ago. We really had no idea if it would work out, but the collective efforts of activists, organizers, the general public, and city council caused him to no-show at his own event.

There's fairly little news on the details of how it all went down, but here's a good article leading up to the seminar that accurately accounts all the major details:

Spokane City Council condemns controversial ‘killology’ police training

If Grossman shows up to your community, you can resist him and win.

[–] Just_Pizza_Crust 4 points 2 months ago

As someone who used to post OC, it's why I left. Nothing but OF spam bots and pics of pornstars. Reddit is somehow the better option, unfortunately.

[–] Just_Pizza_Crust 13 points 2 months ago (1 children)

[Author] is an independent researcher, freelance journalist, book reviewer and blogger.

That's just like, your opinion dude.

Seriously though, it's an option piece from a freelancer. Opinions are not considered a form of evidence, nor is the author an expert in any field.

[–] Just_Pizza_Crust 106 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Softcore gilf porn created by an AI to sell state lottery tickets wasn't on my cards for 2024, but here we are.

[–] Just_Pizza_Crust 2 points 3 months ago

This is also what I tend to use

[–] Just_Pizza_Crust 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I agree with that, but am also limited to being able to afford just a few news subscriptions. Assuming I'm not the exception, it just seems to be counterproductive towards generating discussion in a community for discussing news.

People who can only view a clickbait headline also end up not knowing the context of what others are discussing that may have paid for the subscription, and could further be counterproductive in generating meaningful discussion.


Basically, if all I can read is a headline how can I consider it informative? A news headline has as much evidence as your average Tweet, and can be deeply incorrect through the use of clickbait.

I do use methods to get around paywalls, but knowing that some/most people won't, it seems counter-informative to solely use the clickbait headline to keep people informed.


I've been using tags on users who I've interacted with to help me realize if I've interacted with someone before. It would be nice to change the color from green to others, even if it's a prechosen color palette.

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