This is why I use a list and I judiciously refuse to let people force things onto the list. It's my list and if it becomes cluttered with crap I will not look at it and just make a new one (i.e. your boss telling you "X is your top priority but you're going to need to do Y first because of a client deadline but the X ticket should be at the top of the column" fucking end me - I've had conversations like this and it makes me want to check my wall for studs so I can safely drive my head through the drywall).
My memory is absolutely rubbish, I have good friends I never think about until I'm with them and then I love every moment. When I'm with my family I have to deal with constant guilt over someone says "Do you remember Sandra who played flute in the band with you?" ... and I smile and nod with no clue who Sandra is. I assume these are pretty common experiences since it seems to be quite a frequent expression of ADHD.