
joined 3 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 29 minutes ago

Distracted driving because it seems like the government completely gave up on enforcing texting while driving laws.

More generally, drivers being completely unaware of their surroundings and causing almost accidents everywhere they go because everyone around them has to correct for them as to not cause an accident.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) (1 children)

Annoyingly I go back and forth because whichever pronunciation I’m on sounds worse than when I hear it the other way.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Not sure what the original point was but curiously I happened to use file on a an Apple .numbers file recently and found that it was a .zip file in disguise with zero compression.

So maybe the point was that it’s used often as a container format more often than it’s used for compression? Just my (unrelated) general computer work would also suggest this.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Hard agree, but I see vegans arguing that it is vegan all the time.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

My philosophy is that I don’t want to mess with animals simply because I can. It’s that simple.

Just as an example, a lot of vegans will happily eat honey and it never occurred to me in my first year that it could be questionable. I decided on the spot never to consume it again simply because by my logic we’re having to hoard up a bunch of bees and make them produce it for us — only later did I read up on the topic and find all the arguments for/against it — but that didn’t matter to me because I try to keep it that simple.

Hunting is an area I haven’t given much thought. I grew up in a hunting family, shot a deer at five years of age, etc. but never got into it. I know there’s a big debate surrounding it but knowing I don’t want to hunt in the first place I haven’t really read up on it simply because it’s not relevant to me.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Never understood all the hate. Sometimes I actually crave that weird-ass flavor.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Personally speaking, I’ve never been a fan of this method because to the hosting web server it was still fetched. That might confirm that an email address exists or (mistakenly) confirm that the user did in fact follow the link (or load the resource).

I have ad and tracking blocked like crazy (using DNS) so I can’t follow most links in emails anyway. External assets aren’t loaded either, but this method basically circumvents that (which I hate).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

I have all of Google completely blocked and I don’t care to watch content from YouTube. It’s a nonissue for me, but sometimes I’ll use Invidious if I really need to — so the random ads would definitely suck.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 5 days ago (2 children)

yawns in DNS-based Google blocking

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago

It was originally released in 480, so those DVD rips are probably the “best” quality-wise (unless they did some work on it before releasing for streaming).

If that’s the case it’s probably easier to rent the discs and rip them. Obviously this is a piracy community but hey, technically it’s still piracy if you’re copying rented discs am I right?


People complaining about the bot are worse than the bot itself. Every comment thread or post about it (probably including this one) inevitably turns into people debating the bot’s usefulness.

If you’re someone who hates the bot, do what everyone has already said 10 trillion times: block it.

All the comment threads and posts by users wanting to “take it down” solve nothing. Just stop. It’s so irritating having to scroll past millions of comments of the same tired debate.


I live in a major city with cable internet everywhere along with fiber in some areas (unfortunately not mine), but I’ve had multiple instances of carriers’ salespeople knock on my door selling 5G home internet service.

The reason this doesn’t make sense to me is 5G will always have a much higher latency than any wired alternative — it really only makes sense to sell this stuff in rural areas without the infrastructure. What’s more is the most recent carrier has a reputation for extraordinary coverage but their network is CDMA so their network speed is one of the worst in the city.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to sell this stuff elsewhere?


I’ve been using the CarFAX Car Care app/website for a long time but I’m looking for something better.

It would be nice to have something I can enter my car make/model into and have it suggest maintenance but also keep track of repairs. I like uploading PDF scans of receipts too; one thing that always bothered me about Car Care is the horrible, weird compression it does on those files.

Alpine Linux on NanoPi R6S (links.hackliberty.org)

Hey everyone, I’m looking to replace my router with a NanoPi R6S but want to do everything myself from Alpine Linux.

I’ve been doing a lot of research and it seems that the chipset and hardware are supported as of Linux 6.3, but looking at Alpine’s ARM documentation makes installation sound a bit more advanced than I’m used to (specifically, the partition layout and U-Boot are confusing to me).

Has anyone gone this route?


Basically, I’m running Tailscale on most of my devices and using subnet routing on a Raspberry Pi for non-Tailscale devices.

My problem is that while using an exit node streaming video from cameras in the iOS/macos Home apps is entirely too slow. I can see from App Privacy Report that it attempts to connect to my home network’s WAN address, so I’ve set up subnet routing to bring in any traffic to any of ISP’s networks through the Raspberry Pi at home (this also makes it possible to use said ISP’s streaming app on Apple TV as if I were at home).

I know that Home doesn’t connect to the cameras locally at all, because I can tear down all the Tailscale stuff and not see any traffic between the client and the camera on the LAN.

Has anyone have a clue how to go about configuring this? Thanks in advance!

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