Hey, thanks for the response. I hope you don’t mind some more questions. I’m worried they’ll come off as somewhat disingenuous because to the non-magic believers, they sound inherently so. While I don’t currently believe any of this to be possible and am still concerned you may be experiencing a lapse in mental health, I am as open minded as a nonreligious person with a stem background can be. I don’t know everything, after all.
I’m quite interested in the logistics. Do you have aerodynamic concerns? Most, if not all flighted beings are lighter per volume than humans. How about energy concerns? Despite being lighter than humans, flight is a large energy expenditure for birds. Will you need to eat more?
Is there weight gain associated with wing development? When will they be fully ready for flight?
Why wings and not like, Iron Man style thruster flight? Flapping wings is a deliberate action, I’d think, and could be exhausting.
Where’d you meet the others?
From your answer, it sounds like your psychiatrist believes in magic. I have not known psychiatrists to do so but I’ve never had one myself. Where’d you find her, and have any of your concerned family members discussed it with her? Have you gotten a second opinion? She said it’s your truth, but something like wings and true flight isn’t subjective.
If the wings do manifest, please send pictures and do not attempt bird style, push-from-nest flights. Takeoff is the hardest part and it would be best to begin flight while your feet are still on the ground. If you have the strength to take off from rest, you’d be fine midair. Full disclosure, I say this because as a skeptic I do not want you jumping off roofs. It would also be bad if you were hit by aircraft or vice versa— actually, how do you plan to communicate with aircraft?
I also noticed in your history that your cat has doubled in weight without getting fatter. I would very much encourage you to take a picture of the cat on top of the scale every day to monitor this, and possibly post them if the trend continues. I’m concerned the cat may actually be gaining weight in an unhealthy manner without large day to day changes. I’ve gained a significant amount of weight quickly before and often needed to refer to my regular progress pictures to truly appreciate the difference.
Thanks for reading all this, and hope you do not mind the massive amount of questions. If you answer them, I will probably have more, but you may tell me to stop asking at any time.
Hm, to my understanding, moving arms a lot does increase caloric need. Like how walking or running burns calories and leads to weight loss. With birds, flight burns more energy than walking, so I’d expect the same to apply to humans.
I’ve never met anyone who has had wings or been a hybrid before. Shouldn’t one of them have achieved flight and made news by now? Part of the skepticism is not seeing how you know several with what could be described as superpowers or features yet most people have never seen one.
Have you considered x-rays to detect the bone structure changes?
I definitely agree about the cat. In your shoes I’d do anything to ensure Mitten stayed around as long as possible. I’d definitely recommend still taking pictures every day, next to something for size reference or your measuring method. The scale measures are astounding to me— are you sure they’re not both stepping on? If I’m reading it right, that’s a 5lb increase in 20 minutes on the same day? That’s a great system by the way, much better than manual scale measurements.
I’m not a mental health professional and wasn’t there so I wouldn’t want to incorrectly comment on the visits with your mother present. You mentioned multiple agreeing that you’re mentally sound— have any disagreed?
One last thing if you don’t mind. I had only looked at a few recent posts, but I went back through most of them because your experiences are unlike any I’ve seen before. You mentioned a Starbucks building you owned, what’s the story there? Also, are you a parent?
Thanks again for taking the time to respond