
joined 2 years ago
[–] sudneo 2 points 2 years ago is (already?) unresponsive. I am afraid you are indeed right.

[–] sudneo 7 points 2 years ago

if you don’t like Facebook, you are “anti-corporate”, thus you are a socialist, thus you are a Stalin-sucking tankie.

Ahah, yeah, this might probably be the underlying narrative. However, I don't concern much with this, as if someone has this opinion, I already know there is no point in having this debate.

I’m not “anti-corporate”.

I am, generally speaking, but definitely I am when talking about the cyberspace. The reason is quite simple: the economic interests that big corporations have, where billions of dollars are at stake are straight up against my interests. Essentially everything they need, damages me. The need to foster controversy (which is proven to increase engagement), the need to create addiction, to commodify every single thing possible (data, actions, preferences, etc.), to lock-in users into their platforms. All these are not decisions based on the corporations being "evil" but it's the only business model that the Silicon Valley (home of the "disruptors" and cradle of innovation) came up with in the last 20 years. The sole fact that the business model relies on advertising, causes all of this. This is why I think that corporations are inherently incompatible with the way I think the cyberspace should be, which is "not commodified". Unfortunately this is by nature conflicting with what the corporations have to do to survive in this system (I don't even want to attribute malice to them).

This said, I am not against for-profit by definition. In fact, I would be extremely happy if a bunch of people around the world make co-ops or even small or individual businesses to run, maintain and develop Fediverse software. I would be very happy if these people can make this their full time job (hence, earning a profit). However, it is clear that the business model cannot be the one that the corporations use.

Technically, even a corporation could change the business model, and I would even accept that, I just think it's really, really, really, really unlikely in my opinion.

And to be honest, it’s not hard to be specifically anti-Facebook when they have enabled multiple genocides and have served as weapons in an information war against most of the democratic world.

I think the list would be so long that I would need to open a PR to bump the character limits for comments.

[–] sudneo 3 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Eh si, e direi anche a ragione.

Veramente uno scandalo sotto tutti i punti di vista questa vicenda.

Anche se mi sa che dichiareranno fallimento più velocemente di quanto ci ha messo il loro sommergibile ad accartocciarsi.

Probabilmente si, anche perche', onestamente non so chi sarebbe cosi' folle da affidarmi mai - per qualsiasi cosa che sia piu' di noleggiare una canoa - a loro.

[–] sudneo 1 points 2 years ago

I think that you have a point, however both the author and I disagree. The goal is not to have the entire Facebook (or Twitter, or whatever) population come on the Fediverse. From my point of view, a federated system which is still central, not FOSS and that monetizes the users is already in clear violation of basically everything I want to fediverse to be. What would be gaining from this? Just a raw number of users? I don't think it is a worthy tradeoff.

[–] sudneo 2 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Leggevo pochi minuti fa che quel sommergibile era certificato per arrivare a 1300m (il Titanic è a 3800m), e l'azienda ha licenziato il tipo che si era rifiutato di approvare il suo uso.

[–] sudneo 17 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I think that the objection "is it about openness or about anti-corporate" is interesting, but ultimately it's a bad question.

For me, it is actually about being anti-corporate, because I am aware that corporate internet platform are structurally incapable of building a system which includes the set of properties that are the key values of the fediverse. Ultimately, this means that openness is the goal, but anti-corporate stance is the mean (or one of) to achieve it.

We have seen this over and over again, the big corporates that serve VCs first or shareholders later simply participate in a system that does not have the economic incentive to maintain the system open, or ad-free, or not monetize the users or their content, or to interoperate with other platforms, etc.. There might be cases where some of these are possible, but not all of them.

So, at the end, I would say that the answer to that question is 'both', and I am not afraid of an explicit anti-corporate stance, because this is not grounded on prejudice, it's grounded on an (subjective and ideological, of course) analysis of the history and the current state of the cyberspace.

[–] sudneo 2 points 2 years ago

TIL GNU parallel. Honestly I had never heard it before.

I don't really have many use cases for things running in parallel (which I cannot achieve with tmux), but it seems a better solution for some testing. Thanks!

[–] sudneo 4 points 2 years ago

I think also a symmetric approach is understanding the economic incentive and attacking that. At the moment I did not understand yet why people would create bots for Lemmy, but whatever we can do to make it as expensive as possible to do so (computationally, economically) and therefore less profitable might be a solution to pursue.

A danger with the application for example is that I think will potentially DoS the instance registration for real users, if spammers pipe the registration to some LLM and then the admins will need to spend the time to discern automated/chatGPT applications from real ones.

[–] sudneo 1 points 2 years ago

Aggiungo blow-out alla mia lista! Io sto rivedendo Afterlife come serie TV. Mi piace abbastanza la comicità di Ricky Gervais, specie quando è comunque in un contesto dall'umore triste come quello della serie.

[–] sudneo 4 points 2 years ago

I think, and hope, that that might be the result of the (debatable) set up of some leddit bots? But it does not explain comments. I think we probably need to provide something similar to threat intelligence, where we propose a curated list of instances which are bots and expose it through an API, so that admins can defederate them automatically without doing extra work. It would be a nice project for the weekend!

[–] sudneo 3 points 2 years ago

Domani è festa in Estonia (midsummer), e oggi quindi giornata ridotta al lavoro (-3h). Riuscirò a buttare anche questa giornata al cesso? Difficile a dirsi, ma nel frattempo dopo due settimane di tempo meraviglioso, oggi piove.

Nel frattempo la mia ragazza è in Ucraina per un'altra settimana, il che comunque mi lascia un misto di apatia (perché sono abituato a fare le cose insieme) e nervosismo (perché ogni giorno ce n'è una, la diga, la centrale nucleare minata etc.)

[–] sudneo 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Non credo, quantomeno non ancora. Seguendo un po' in giro, ho letto di un sacco di progetti che stanno nascendo, da chi sta creando frontend che rendono lemmy più simile a old.reddit, a chi propone altri metodi per hostare le istanze etc. Non mi soprenderei se qualcosa uscisse nel prossimo futuro.

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