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[–] sudneo 7 points 2 years ago (3 children)

That is the theory (read, propaganda or at least narrative) about capitalism. I don't think it's a misunderstanding that all the biggest companies in the last 20 years (in tech) have done exactly the opposite, building walled gardens and locking-in users. I would say they feel pretty confident because nobody cares about competition as an abstract value, this is just the tool that is used to give the feeling of freedom. Even today you have the "freedom" to compete with the big dogs. You just need a few hundreds of millions of investment, which depend on other people wanting to make money out of your product and therefore force you to adopt a certain business model. Good luck.

Incidentally this is also why I don't understand those who see the fediverse as "competition" or hope for mass migrations (millions of users). The point of the fediverse for me is to create a space (in the cyberspace) which is outside the capitalist reach. The equivalent of a park or a square when you can exist without the need to consume or pay. Parks should not, and cannot, compete with malls.

[–] sudneo 13 points 2 years ago

The point is simple, the moment you have the biggest chunk of the userbase, you have more weight in establishing praxis for standards & protocols. In fact, the protocol needs to catch up with you, rather than viceversa. Google did the same with Chrome, for example. Try to start a browser today, and with all the stuff that Google forced into standards and that your browser need to comply with, you will fail. Even just forcing a pace in changes to ActivityPub can mean that a number of tools that are developed by volunteers won't be able to keep up.

Imagine Meta brings in 100m users. This is a fraction of their userbase, but it is 8x the whole fediverse. Imagine now that they make some change that doesn't comply with ActivityPub, what do you do, break the tool that is used by the 90% of the users, or adapt? And what if they push changes to ActivityPub, so that everyone needs to catch up quickly: lemmy, mastodon, pixelfed, etc. How soon before some tools with less active development will die because non-compliant? (Similarly to how some browser break with some sites)

[–] sudneo 2 points 2 years ago

Non ne ero al corrente perchè non uso quelle app ormai da anni. Incredibile.

[–] sudneo 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Ho visto i permessi che richiede in un altro post (ok, metto il meme perchè si), e praticamente devi dargli anche il libretto della pensione della nonna. Veramente assurdo.

[–] sudneo 2 points 2 years ago

Completamente d'accordo. Francamente la trovo una specie di epica del perdente, dove alla fine si sopravvive, ognuno a modo suo, coscienti che appunto la vita è difficile per tutti. Il personaggio di Brian è senz'altro il mio preferito comunque. Un perdente modello che però fa da spalla a tutti quando serve (oltre a far ammazzare dal ridere).

[–] sudneo 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I read about using s3 storage for pictures. I am planning to use maybe backblaze for that or if I end up taking the beefy server, use a separate minIO instance. This is also great for scaling horizontally in the future, maybe.

[–] sudneo 2 points 2 years ago

Separare le due comunità credo sia buono e giusto, ma forse ha senso solo dopo che la comunità abbia raggiunto una massa critica?

[–] sudneo 4 points 2 years ago

I believe downvotes can be disabled at the instance level. (Small note)

[–] sudneo 5 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Ho da poco finito di (ri)vedere After Life di Ricky Gervais, che oggettivamente è abbastanza struggente a livello emotivo.

Abbiamo cominciato proprio ieri a vedere Derek, sempre di Gervais, ambientata in un ospizio.

Inoltre abbiamo iniziato a vedere I Soprano, che non ho mai visto prima, e l'ho trovata diversa da come pensavo.

Infine, vista ieri la prima puntata dell'ultima stagione di Black Mirror, che ho trovato una bella mondezza, se confrontata con le prime stagioni. Continua la traiettoria (opinione personale) dove quel senso distopico collettivo si è tramutato in critiche molto deboli e sterili a problemi che comunque sono sempre individuali. Nah.

Lato film invece ho visto ieri sera Asteroid City di Wes Anderson al cinema. Bello, interessante, anche se non uno dei miei film preferiti di Anderson. Alcuni dialoghi erano un po' difficili da afferrare al 100% senza sottotitoli, purtroppo. Fotografia, trucco e costumi comunque magnifici, oltre ovviamente a un cast allucinante.

[–] sudneo 1 points 2 years ago

That can be fun. The benefit of kubernetes is flexibility in the orchestration and (sometimes) scaling. Also the tooling in Kubernetes is more sofisticated compared to plain containers or manual services.

Kubernetes is basically just a finite-state machine that is able to manage a certain number of nodes as a pool of resources. This has added complexity compared to you managing the scheduling (I.e. I install this service on this box and this on this other box), but it also allows for much easier automation.

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