lua is a really cute and surprisingly capable language! it's how I got my start, and it's one of the easiest languages I've ever played with. it would've been a good pick for web, I think. probably just needed to be fleshed out more.
for real. I'm very lucky to have landed a job in it, but it's a dry market for anyone looking if they don't want to be doing crypto. Rust has made a big name for itself but still isn't that popular where it matters.
not enough, I'd like to be paid proportional to the exploitation of my self sabotage
in many cases autism is what makes me such a good worker
herbicide sucks. it's always going to be an arms race. like everything else, violently forcing a monoculture does not build resilient systems, it only sets us up for more violence. we must learn to take our hands mostly off the ecosystems, and tread lightly, harvesting only what we need.
I mean, archinstall is pretty nice! it's certainly not flashy but it's a great tool that gets you up and running very quickly with no hassle
I love it because software written in rust tends to be straight up better. because it makes it so easy to make your code parallel, because it makes it easy to be user friendly by design, people actually go that extra mile. because it's so easy to pull in a dependency to do something you'd be too lazy to do in C, the tools can get a bit big but they tend to work really well. I'll take a rust CLI app over a python CLI script any day, and I'll especially take it over software written in C. most people don't care as long as the tool works, but you can definitely feel the difference of the language it's written in in its design and performance.
very few students are interested in what and how they're learning
so you'd rather lose the trans people to violence or suicide than regulate hate speech against them?
so you suggest completely deregulating hate speech, then? how about direct incitement of violence? how about slander and defamation?
there are many restrictions on "freedom of speech" already, and it's not like anyone is complaining that people calling in bomb threats shouldn't get arrested. there NEED to be restrictions on speech. imagine if advertisers could just lie with no repercussions, or if you could state your intent to kill someone and it would be illegal to arrest you until you actually do it.
calling a policeman a pig is not hate speech. it is hateful, but there's a big difference between calling a cop a pig and misgendering or using slurs against trans people.
minority groups are especially vulnerable to hate speech and there are already laws in place to protect them from certain kinds of speech. this is especially true with trans people, as we have seen their suicide rate linked very clearly with the presence of hate and absence of support.
we can say "the repercussions must only be social" but that leaves it up to the people to enforce it. what about minorities living surrounded by people who don't support them? are they supposed to just grin and bear it? for a trans person, this could easily and quickly drive them to suicide.
I will never advocate that simple (especially accidental) misgendering should be grounds for arresting somebody. but these acts, when done intentionally, actively spread hate, misinformation, and tangible harm which touches the lives of trans people. this is why we must choose which is more important: the lives and safety of these trans people, or the comfort and "freedom" of people who want to see them eradicated. your freedom ends where it would violate another person's freedom or basic rights.
this choice has been made on many other matters, which I touched on before. we have repeatedly found that certain kinds of speech are harmful enough to warrant legal repercussions. refusing to regulate this kind of hate speech just takes the side of the oppressor; it means trans people have no recourse and it becomes easy to spread massive misinformation campaigns (as Republicans are currently doing) which directly leads to people dying (dozens of anti trans laws have been passed in dozens of states, and those states have extremely high trans suicide rates).
why do we need to respect the opinion of someone whose opinion is "trans people should die or go to jail"?
Thank you! It's hopefully intuitive to anyone who knows regex or BNF already
god I miss the good old days of robocraft