
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

That's a proper soup strainer!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

This is going to be a long comment.... 😀

All time favourite note is probably Jasmine, but not a nice fresh Jasmine, something a bit more indolic and sultry. Also I like Vanilla, but again not sweet, a proper vanilla pod scent with something mixed in to make it interesting (Mona di Orio has a beautiful Vanilla fragrance that also has boozy notes of Rum, Orange and Wood- she envisioned a trade ship carrying them as goods when creating it)

Also I love Labdanum, it helps to form the back bone of 'Oriental' perfumes. It lasts for ever and is deep and rich. Plus Mimosa, but so far only in Frederic Malles Une Fleur de Cassie- it is glorious with a underlying something. In a review someone said it was like a beautiful garden, full of flowers with a dead body buried in it! I think you can probably sense a theme that I don't like pretty fragrance, I like something a bit dark and skanky...

I also love the smell of soil, CBIhatePerfume has a great one called Wild Hunt, it smells exactly like a resinous pine forest, complete with damp soil and mushrooms. He doesn't create 'normal' perfumes, they're more like entire sensory experiences that transport you elsewhere. Patchouli is another favourite, it's grassy and slightly chocolatey too. Musks are another some can be gloriously filthy!

Favourite perfumes....? There are so many to choose from! I have probably around 100 different one by now, some are decants and large sample sizes (which makes it more affordable) others are full bottles purchased when the £ was stronger than the Euro, and before Brexit...

I have favourite perfume houses, including Frederic Malle (his perfumes are amazing and use quality ingredients and lots of natural oils), Serge Lutens (his fragrances tend to be dark and opulent- checkout his website for some French Gothic fun), Guerlain is a really old perfume house their La Art et La Matiere line is wonderful. Also Parfums d'Empire, Mona di Orio, Sonoma Scent Studio, Papillon Perumes.... Chanel Exclusifs and some Dior

Me and the bf are intending to visit Paris soon, I can guarantee we will be our respects to Serge Lutens Boutique and Maison Guerlain!

edit....I forgot Rose, Ylang, Incense, Sandalwood, some Ouds....the list is endless

Also changed 'les exclusifs' to 'La Art et La Matiere'

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I think it's probably time I did some stickied posts explaining the different processes etc......... Stay tuned for some more Mega Posts! 👍

[–] [email protected] 23 points 3 days ago (1 children)

There are several active and very passionate communities online including Fragrantica and Basenotes.....things can get incredibly nerdy when discussing perfume, believe it or not 😀

There's also a fragrance community here on lemmy but I think it's all but dead now...

[–] [email protected] 21 points 3 days ago (6 children)

As a perfume nerd I'd love to know what this smells like, and when it'll be used to create a new niche fragrance

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

....and a beautiful sea slug too


Photo by oldTor

Winter colors, frost and sun. Bamboo board. Fluorescence. HDR. Macro

Зимние краски, мороз и солнце. Фрагмент шлифованной бамбуковой доски, пропитанной минеральным маслом, во флуоресценции. Макрофото с объективом Fujinon-EFC 55mm. f/6.0 с макрокольцами. Масштаб съёмки 1,6:1. HDR из 4-х кадров. Освещение УФ-светодиодом 365nm со светофильтром ZWB2.

Winter colors, frost and sun. Fragment of a polished bamboo board impregnated with mineral oil, in fluorescence. Macrofoto with Fujinon-EFC 55mm. f/6.0 lens with macro rings. Scale of 1.6:1. HDR of 4 frames. UF-vedoid light 365nm with ZWB2 light filter (Translation via Firefox)


Photo by 2c.. Seaweed, Surf & Sand.

from the wonderful empty golden beaches of north Donegal.


Photo by Catherine Silks

playground equipment that's been scratched up (and color-altered in processing.)

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Main image, Amber Light Etching and Aquatint by Phil Greenwood

Above, Autumn Teasels Linocut, by Angie Lewin

Above, Winter Starlings II linocut, by Niki Bowers

Above, Thicket Linoprint by Claire Curtis

Above, The Elementals (Ladies) Linocut by Kat Flint

Above, Autumn Heath Linocut, by Claire Curtis

Above, Pheasant Circle Linocut, by Rob Barnes

Above, Living Linocut, by Claire Curtis

Above, Winter Copse Etching and Aquatint, by Phil Greenwood

edit, forgot to do the jiggery-pokery that makes 3 of the images pop out when you click on it


Main Image, Caravaggio's Medusa & Janet Leigh in Psycho, by Luigi Tarini

Above, Snake Charmer, by Tai Snaith

Above, Medusa Collage, by dadadreams

Above, Medusa, by Adrian Velazco

Above, How does that taste, by Dustin Bowen

Above, Serpents, Frogs and Roses, by Adrian Velazco

Above, Teenage Medusa, by Tim Lukeman

Above, Medusa, by Lynn Skordal

Above, medusa_retrato, by ♦For Better Days♦

Above, by unknown, found here. If anyone knows who it's by, let me know in the comments and I'll edit

Above, by unknown, found here. If anyone knows who it's by, let me know in the comments and I'll edit

Above, by Javier Piñon

Above, Probably by loripalomi.com (dead link). Found here

Above, by Javier Piñon

Above, by Vivienne Strauss

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I could spend ages looking at all the detail and trying to interpret any hidden meaning/messages/symbolism in his work...They have an ancient (alien) civilisation feel

I also can't get over the scale of the prints 'Precession' at 96x336 inches and still classed as an ongoing work!

It's like being immersed in a temple or shrine with all the ceramic 'artifacts' in the installations, plus the monolith having echoes of standing stones/kabba/2001 Space Odyssey. It feels like he's creating his own mythology.... I can see why you're drawn to his work, thanks for sharing 👍

[–] [email protected] 14 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Created my account 3 years ago so I could still access one of the piracy subs in case they were banned from reddit, they used to have an alt community on lemmy.ml......

I came over properly during the reddit blackout, set up the communities I most wanted to see over here (that didn't exist already), and have stayed ever since

I like the fact that the posts have (generally) sensible comments, without 1000 replies of inane drivel to sift through, overall it feels like a nice quiet corner of the internet where I can recognise usernames and have a brief chat, then be on my way


Main image, El Cenzontle

Mazatl lives in San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico where he part takes in several collectives seeking social/political/enviromental justice; his art is inspired by the work individuals and collectives do to shake off the noose around our necks....

Above, Tierra

Above, Extincion2

Above, Extincion3

Above, Extincion4

Above, Extincion5

Above, Extincion6

Above, EZLN

Above, Aurora / Grabado en

Above, Esfinge de la meurte

Above, El Principio

Above, El Final

Above, La Victoria es Nuestra / Grabado

All text and images from his website


Photo by oldTor

Crystals from a solution of salicylic acid in a dark field under a microscope.

Кристаллы из раствора салициловой кислоты в тёмном поле под микроскопом. Микрофото с объективом Mitutoyo M Plan Apo 10x0.28 с Raynox DCR-150 в качестве тубусной линзы на штативе микроскопа МББ-1А. Безлинзовое темнопольное освещение.

(Crystals from a salicylic acid solution in a dark field under a microscope. Microphoto with lens Mitutoy M Plan Apo 10x0.28 with Raynox DCR-150 as a tube lens on the tumage of the microscope MBB-1A. Unlenscary dark-floor lighting.)

Translation via Firefox


Sonnenhyroglyphen (Sun Hyroglyphics) by Guido Kulecki

Wasserspiegelungen im Gegenlicht. (Water reflection in backlight.)

Translations via Firefox


fabric abstraction, by Victor Stepanow

Vertical aerial shot of fabric cover adjacent to a water reservoir taken at first light on a frosty morning with the shadows of a line of pine trees at the top,


2015-04-29 at 22.06, by Pascal Verzijl


602092015, by 2c..


Peatland Abstracts, Co Kildare, Ireland.


moving pictures..... on still waters, by Edinburgh Nette ...


(Hogweed : Heracleum sphondylium

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Nice to see you posting here in person! 😀

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Glad you liked the post, be sure to subscribe for more wtf's 👍

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I really like these modern ukiyo-e/modern 'horror' mash up prints, the older wood blocks are also great fun...

Above, Takiyasha the Witch and the Skeleton Spectre, Woodblock Print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi 1798 – 1861)

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