Yes. I use thunderbird for all the other caldav features. So being able to use the app for notes will be the best thing.
If it was a trick to do, could be applied to iphones too
Just follow this tutorial and you will have Radicale setup via docker. Radicale is lightweight and really does help me to get away with all the caldav/cardav necessities.
Create an aws account (new if already have) to use it's 12 months free tier, setup OpenVPN Access Server (tbh easy process), go to admin panel and enable dmz. Connect to the server from your local machine with an openvpn client. It can be used to open as many ports as you want.
Okay got it. Thanks.
Ya. I think it is.
But it counted mine since I joined. I think it's a client issue right now.
No. Both shots are from a single monitor. I also have a 2nd monitor below this monitor without any icons or widgets on and with a different wallpaper.
cp wg0.conf /etc/wireguard && wg-quick up wg0
Umm. Definitely it's in my to-do list. But for now I just wish Joplin had some caldav features in it :(