What an unusual looking boy.
If you're dumb enough to be taking medical advice from Ron Desantis then you'll get what you deserve.
Watching the GOP field criminals as "candidates" and then continuing to support them when all their crimes come to light is the repugnant part.
Of course he's a criminal. Put him on trial, give him his due process, and then toss him in hole so he can serve his debt to society.
But we're not talking about trying him. The question was: Should he resign?
My argument is that he should resign the exact second Santos a Thomas do and not a moment before.
I another reality, charges like this ended careers. Now they lead to landslide GOP primary wins. Fucking disgusting.
Oh, he's serving people. Some people more than others.
The Republicans have a congressman that literally made up his entire resume. Education, previous work experience, all of it. Complete fiction. Aaaaaand when he was caught red handed, did he quit? Resign? Nope.
Even when the feds caught up with him with indictments for fraud and money laundering, did he quit then? Not a chance.
Not only is he still a sitting member of the House... THE DUDE IS RUNNING FOR RE-ELECTION.
So, why the hell are the Democrats the only ones that have to hold themselves to any sort of moral or ethical principles? The GOP sure as hell don't. Just ask Mr. 91 Indictments Primary Front Runner yourself.
He and is going to take every dime they can hustle and sign off on any "Supreme Court decision" that Koch's lawyers hand to him.
And he's not even going to pretend to feel bad about it because there's not a god-danged anyone is going to do to stop it. He's a whore, bought and paid for.
This reads like an Onion article.
I mean, they want to fix "brain drain" in America's second-least educated state by restricting educational programs?
Fucking yikes, man.
That sounds great. Go ahead, skip that vaccine. Skip all the vaccines. See how well that works out for you. See how great it is when your hospitals are overflowing with COVID and you run out of doctors, nurses, ventilators, and storage freezers for the dead.
We already played this game. We know how it ends. If you want to stake your life by playing it again...well, it's your life to gamble.
Aw, Honey. You're going to be a felon. You're not going to be allowed to vote for anybody for anything. Hope it was worth it.
My wife is a surgeon... Or as she puts it, "Standing in the way of God since 2005".
He always kinda looked undead.