There's no rack mount server there. I see a UPS, switch (network and Nintendo varieties), PS4 and mini PC
The idea of a zombie comes from vodou (voodoo) and long predates any pop culture depiction of it.
So your plan is to subvert democracy to save democracy?
Putting ads targeted to parents on kids' shows is as old as kids' shows, man. That's not a new thing or specific to YouTube
It could kinda be viable if ties for most common hand worked in your favor, but they don't. The only way I can see getting any value out of it at all is if you go hard on a single hand build for the first half of the run, pick it up at the halfway point and abruptly pivot your whole strategy, I guess?
Sure, I guess, in the same way that all the water in your body was once dinosaur piss
Contract killers don't really exist, and even if they did, it's obviously not covered by the legal system, so, you do.
I want people to remember this one because we've heard this rhetoric over and over. That if people only didn't vote for 3rd parties everything would be better.
Huh? People don't say this. Why would they -- people don't vote for third parties. What they say is if people did try to shift toward third parties in any numbers then odds get worse. Which is pretty much true by definition, in first past the post.
I'm... Not really sure what your question is. What do you mean by your laptop "fitting in the community?"
90% of urban dictionary is 10-16 year old boys making up outrageous stuff for laughs, or putting up some inside joke that their friend group invented that has never been used by anyone else
You managed to pick the 1% of urban dictionary entries that is an actual term, though
There's no way to even attempt to answer your question without the actual code