
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I have seen your profile picture before and it didn't dawn on me what character it was until this moment...

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago (23 children)

I'll add this to the hot tips I've learned way too late

Also included

  • Zoop mode
  • Middle mouse button to "copy" something
  • Overclocking takes exponentially more power (not linear)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I think it was for color-blind friendliness

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago

As of late? It's been shit for years.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Somewhat same. Followed a girl I had a crush on to a local school. Met my wife during my last semester, and she's been my best friend ever since.

And I never even dated the girl I had a crush on...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Love this channel, I've watched his videos for a couple years now. His scientific method can leave a lot to be desired at times, but it's still great information and I always keep them in mind.

This is one of the more iconic ones, in my mind, but he's still going strong today

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

It could also be the language choice, which one are you utilizing? I could see some languages having a worse experience than others.

I've found it is exceptionally smart with bash. It often knows what to do better than I can, because I'm no master at bash. I'm proficient enough to know when it's right though, and it's usually pretty on point.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

The first two reasons, to me, feel like excuses to hide the true reason(s) they cheat. I'd wager it varies per person but that many just want to be seen as cool or skilled by having everything or beating everyone. It seems equivalent to people who modify cars to be extremely loud; despite many saying the contrary, they've convinced themselves that people love to hear their loud cars go by.

It could also be the anonymous effect of online games. They don't quite perceive themselves as cheating, really, because they don't know the players and will never know them. It likely feels like NPCs in a video game, for the most part. If there were actually social pressure, like would be in a schoolyard game of football, then far fewer would be willing to risk the social ostracization. But because they are anonymous online, they feel safe and empowered to cheat.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Like most have already said, the auto complete is top tier while the chat is hallucination-riddled and not always useful. I find that if I'm asking Chat a question, my problem is already so complex that the AI struggles to answer it without the entire context of the application. It will give me unrelated answers, fake answers, or extremely basic ones that miss the broader context. It's really a coin flip on whether it will help.

I have also had the autocorrect make a mistake once and that was extremely annoying. It was the type of mistake I would have made but took way longer to figure out because I trusted it too much

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I've already made a Smeagol reference in this thread, but perhaps one more is in order...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

Oh wow that's actually a really good point!

Now prepare for it to be dismissed! People are too dug in at this point, there's no going back. The trenches have been dug.


Around two years ago I was on a really small team, just two or three developers, and the other developer decided they wanted us to use Rider. Because I didn't have a preference, I used Rider and rather enjoyed it. However, that developer has since moved teams and now it is just me (for the time being).

So I was considering moving back to Visual Studio or even switching to Visual Studio Code, but I wanted to see some arguments against this.

Here is my list so far, but it's probably out of date since I haven't used Visual Studio in a long time.

Pros of Rider:

  • Much faster than using ReSharper
  • Less sharp interface with a better font
  • I'm used to it at this point
  • I have a Nyan cat loading bar which is kind of fun

Cons of Rider:

  • Enterprise license is expensive (probably)
  • New versions of C# aren't immediately supported
  • Refactorings are becoming less necessary with the rise of AI assistants
  • Don't really like their source control manager

Wanted to hear what other users think. What keeps you using Rider?


Oh and banned for rule 1 if you disagree


The Praying to the Gods achievement requires you to kill the fanatic 10 times "without drinking any potion which restores prayer" and without leaving the wilderness. Simple solution is to pray on the nearby Chaos Altar or to take the obelisk down to a less busy altar near Ferox.

However, do you think the spaghetti code takes into account Stat Restore Pot Share or butterflies? Could you cheese this one with a friend?


I would recommend everyone try this. Just sit down, bend your knees, throw a blanket over, and show them the entrance. Just be warned they will not leave unless you make them

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My favorite way to develop applications is microservices, or at least smaller services that can separate concerns a little bit. In our current application, there is an API we've created with an OAS document and an auto-generated .NET SDK based on the document. We then have a web console that makes calls to the backend API using the SDK and, ideally, customers would also use the SDK.

So my question to everyone is: what is the best "flow" to develop a NuGet package?

Currently, we have pipelines which publish the NuGet package of the SDK to our internal NuGet repository on every commit within a merge request. We have a manually incrementing semver with an additional build number tacked on (for example 1.2.3+abc123).

Now this works pretty well, but we often run into problems where a tester's NuGet doesn't pull down the latest version based on the build number if it detects it has the proper semver number. For example, if we create 1.2.3+abc456 NuGet won't pull down this version as long as it has the original 1.2.3+abc123 in its .nuget/packages directory. Testers and developers have to manually delete the version from the packages directory and do a fresh restore.

So, is there a better way to do build numbers? Or should I be deleting the NuGet package from the private repository every time (doesn't sound ideal...)?

The other part of this question is what is the best way to develop and test NuGet packages locally?

My current flow is a PowerShell script which will create the new .nupkg file, publish it to a local/filesystem NuGet directory with some random semver number (i.e., 9.9.9), update the .csproj with the version (temporarily), and then do a fresh dotnet restore on the target project. However, this can be cumbersome and feels like something that should be built into the dotnet command. Am I missing something, or is this really the best way to develop locally?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/ecosia

You can add Ecosia as a search engine to Firefox Android by going to Settings - Default Search Engine - Add then entering the following:

This will also allow you to use the Firefox Search widget on your home screen to search Ecosia.

I tried using the Addon to no avail, so I had to manually add the search myself.

Thanks for creating the community! I had forgotten to use Ecosia on Android for a while now. So much missed opportunity

The book was written originally by a group of Amazon engineers and strives to be a resource on getting started with deep learning.

Even if you have no interest in developing models, you should be aware of how they work under the hood.

For the AI enthusiasts, it makes them more interesting. For the AI doomists, it makes them less scary.

The book being online and an easy to remember URI makes this a great reference book that you can access from any device with an internet connection. You could read the whole thing with cURL if you were feeling wacky. You can also clone the repo and host it locally if you want to "own" a copy.

They are releasing a physical book in English this week, so for you collectors out there can have something for your shelves.


Get good loot from a toolbox in Fallout? Gotta check them all now

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