
joined 2 years ago
[–] neanderthal 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Sorry if you already know this, but this might be helpful for lurkers that don't know such a thing exists.

I don't know anything about dutch corporate structures, but some US states have an entity called a benefit corporation. Think of it like a non-profit and corporation hybrid. It allows you to make a profit and grow, but operate like a non-profit where the purpose of the organization is something else. This gives you more flexibility that might not be available as a non-profit. I believe you can even incorporate as a non-citizen (I'm assuming here). Might I suggest an ask lemmy post to get ideas?

[–] neanderthal 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

What is the first thing kids in the US do at school? Say the pledge of allegiance. Then they sit in assigned seats. Walk in orderly single file lines to resource classes. They do what they are told all day or get punished. In later years, the single file lines go away, but it is still very much do what you are told. Then they may go to higher education and have even more freedom to participate in the textbook racket and buy books and do the work you are told to do or else you fail out. Then you go to work and do what your boss tells you to do.

No wonder this freedom loving country puts up with so much shit. We spend our formative years being bossed around in highly structured environments. At no point did I ever have a class on work management. This would include things like FMLA, what right to work means, unions, NDAs, arbitration clauses, non-competes, FLSA (applicable here), OSHA, intellectual property (how an employer might own your work), how to start a business, military options like branches, officer, warrant officer, and enlisted options, how to get a job, education/trade school and how different degrees/licenses/etc work, and most importantly, your options for when you are being ripped off, discriminated against, etc. This should be a requirement for graduating highschool. I do realize the irony here.

[–] neanderthal 1 points 2 years ago

These are just poorly designed CLI tools. Good CLI tools should be fairly intuitive. ZFS and other late Sun CLI tools (Solaris cluster CLI was great) are great examples Basically good CLI tools follow a pattern similar to: component->action->how->victim

Example changing a zfs dataset mountpoint zfs set mount point=/opt/apps ssd/apps

[–] neanderthal 2 points 2 years ago

You can definitely run Debian with less than 1GB for a low resource server, like an in house SVN repo, sftp server, etc.

[–] neanderthal 1 points 2 years ago

With how much meddling the US did in the 20th century with CIA coups and such, I question how much of the bad reputation of communism is due to that. I think the common view of the bad parts of communism and fascism are really issues with authoritarianism and concentration of power.

Look at how the US was around 1900. Take for example the shirtwaist fire. When you are locked in a building that is on fire, the least of your concern is whether it is a rich and powerful asshole that works directly for the government or a rich and powerful asshole that owns the factory and owns the politicians through bribery, lobbying, campaign contributions, etc. If you aren't familiar with the business plot, capitalists tried to overthrow the US government in the 1930s and turn it some sort of fascist regime.

The down side to democracy is that when times get rough, a strong man shows up with the answer and a scapegoat, usually an already marginalized group, if they only have the power to fix everything, and the next thing you know people just voted themselves into that authoritarian regime out of desperation or fear.

About all we can do is squash FUD and misinformation as it pops up. Unfortunately, in this game of whack-a-mole, it takes more time to refute stuff with well crafted arguments and credible sources than it does to make things up that rile people up.

[–] neanderthal 1 points 2 years ago

I've noticed when browsing communities, I could have swore I clicked on one, but get taken to one next to it. I wonder if there is an off by one error in the page rendering code?

[–] neanderthal 2 points 2 years ago
[–] neanderthal 11 points 2 years ago (4 children)

How are you paying for this? Is controlled by you as a private individual? Is this going to be transferred to some sort of non-profit, or business entity? What are the options where you are at? Have you considered the legal aspects of various locations, (e.g. free speech protections, reach of law enforcement, etc)? Since this has the potential to blow up, now is the time to start thinking about these things?

[–] neanderthal 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Are you replying to the wrong post? I remember seeing one about medical records. Maybe this one:

[–] neanderthal 1 points 2 years ago

They are great for the price.

[–] neanderthal 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Same here. I had the same issue creating my account as well. I don't know why, but it finally allowed me to create my account after several days of trying.

Just got in. I was missing a character in my username. If you can't login, double check your credentials. If you can't create an account try a different username.

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