Just using Google ai. Think before you speak.
world view: a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world. "I have broadened my worldview by experiencing a whole new culture"
Atheism: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
Atheism is not a worldview in the sense that it is a lack of belief in gods, and does not provide a comprehensive view of the world. However, many atheists tend to have a worldview that includes empiricist, positivist, or materialist beliefs, and a strong belief in science. This worldview is sometimes called "scientism".
Atheism is the rejection of the idea that gods exist, and is not a belief system that answers other questions about a person's beliefs. Atheists typically believe that the existence of gods is highly improbable, and that there is no persuasive evidence to support the belief.
Atheism is different from identifying as an atheist. While most atheists hold an atheistic worldview, not all of them do. In fact, only about half of those who hold an atheistic worldview identify as atheists.
I lack a belief in a god or God's. That is not a world view.
However my world view stems from human secularism. One does not have to be an atheist to be a human secularist.
Lacking in particular belief does not define me as a whole person.
If you don't believe in unicorns that doesn't make you a "ununicornist".
In the same sense not believing in God doesn't necessarily make me an atheist.
But more importantly you're not using the words you're using correctly which is why I included the definitions or the concepts you're missing. I can tell you simply ignore those.