Black library has quite some books that feel similar in a Sci fi setting. You could check vaults of Terra.
The board governs the open Ai ngo not the for profit, which allows investment, though the ngo owns the for profit.
So any investment in the for profits doesn't necessarily impact the board.
Oh just wait until you see imperial hex screws. In metric you get them in screwdriver size relating to mm. US hex screws are like 16/64 of an inch or 5/16 of an apple. And of course they don't relate to metric at all and you can't use the same tools.
Pripyat is not inhabited in a normal way. There are no children or families and there won't be. Simply because children eat dirt and dirt is radioactive. Saying it is inhabited like you did implies there is normal life happening. It never will be again.
In a stable world yes, but we also wouldn't have all those news when Russia puts boxes on solar panels instead of nuclear reactors and we don't need no fly zones and fog machines around wind turbines.
Hm ich glaube hier fehlt vielen ein Teil vom Bild. Dienstwagen Nutzer müssen die Nutzung als geldwerten Vorteil versteuern. Wenn du einen 3er Kombi als Dienstwagen fährst hast du 1% vom Listenpreis (ca. 700€) und für jeden km zur Arbeit nochmal 0,03% (ca. 210€) die man als Gehalt jeden Monat zusätzlich versteuert. Effektiv kostet der Wagen also den Nutzer ja nach Strecke über 300€ im Monat. Weniger wie kaufen, aber trotzdem genug dass es ok ist ihn auch privat zu nutzen.
Und ohne das Prinzip würden Jobrad und device leasen dann ach wegfallen.
It does, but you might not notice it since you're exposed to the smell/taste all the time. But go abroad to Europe or some other place that doesn't use chlorine for drinkwater treatment and you'd be surprised when you get back how noticeable it is.
Was there, several times, all corners. Sorry to tell you, but your tap water smells like chlorine.
Auf der Autobahn zählt auch das Prinzip der Fahrt auf Sicht nicht. Wobei die Fahrt natürlich dem Wetter angepasst werden muss.
The chance of success is impressive, but it's just correlation to wealth in the family. From Microsoft over cloud flare, Amazon to tesla each and every one of those successful men had a rich daddy.