I've been using ULauncher for a while and I'm quite happy with it, it has plugin support too.
Yes, Clonezilla runs off a live USB. If it is large enough it can also store the partition you want to clone, making the whole process a lot simpler.
sir, this is /r/lewronggeneration
it does, or at least older versions of Android did
the doorbell is inside my house, the spring and pulleys too, he only bit exposed to the outside is a lever you pull to make the contraption move, it is kinda like the launcher on a pinball machine
there's the charm of playing in original hardware without having to deal with the original storage medium.
There are better alternatives to CDs, might as well use them. It is no different than using a flashcart.
I personality know two very liberal women who married right wing nutjobs, the first one married a full MAGA, proud boys type militia and election denier guy who she thought she could change him (she couldn't).
The other one thought that political differences didn't matter in a romantic relationship (it did).
Both ended up in divorce.
Tangentially related, check out Grocery Genius. FOSS and I've been very happy with it
The NAS owner said the 4TB HGST drives have only accumulated 6,000 hours since their deployment, translating to about 600 hours or about 25 days annually.
I thought the NAS was being turned off on the weekends or overnight, but in reality it has under 7% of uptime.
two options, either he is making an appeal to emotion of ignorant people who doesn't know that Haiti and Venezuela are two different countries in different continents, or he himself doesn't know that Haiti and Venezuela are two different countries in different continents
they still own the twitter trademark, that might be their biggest asset