I work in municipal government and we have the busiest ballot box in the county outside my office, and I can vouch that old people fucking love to vote. All day long on election day and the days leading up to it, it's a line of people, many of whom who probably shouldn't be driving, waiting to drop off their ballot. They take it super seriously. I wish everybody was as hyped to vote as the elderly.
It's more because he hates the city he lives in (but refuses to leave) so much that they could give him a million dollars and he'd find a way to be furious about it. If Donald Trump announced that he was putting goats in this dude's living room, he'd say it was a great plan.
You have nooo idea. This is kind of the tip of the crazyberg, but he runs for some office in every election and actually got 14% of the vote last year. It's alarming, tbh.
Also communist socialist globalist nazis! Words have no meanings to goats, so they can be all those things at once if they want.
Uh, on that note, anyone from any nice countries want to get married to an American? Doesn't have to be majority white, but must have healthcare and like, trains? I like trains and going to the doctor.
Do other places with mail in voting not have ballot drop boxes? I live in CO and a lot of people don't even put their ballots in the mail because there are boxes at a lot of public buildings that are picked up directly by the county every day (or more often). Then again, we actually want people to vote and I know that's not the case in plenty of states.
The timing is what made me lean toward a zionist, since it comes directly on the heels of him telling Netanyahu to quit murdering innocent people. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a MAGAt, but I haven't seen anything outside of what he normally does that would've particularly triggered one of them.
We kind of did with greyhounds.
Considering that he got shot in the arm, not the face, my real life response would probably be, "really, man? You didn't think you should give this to someone else before ems got there?" That's why I'm not a doctor. Because I'm pretty dumb and bad at hiding my reactions. Also the part with all the blood.
The email thing for sure. Switching between those two on mobile is possible, but it's a pain in the ass. Plus, my calendar is on my phone, so that would be a third thing I need to check on the same device. It's a headache I don't need.
But I want the goats to love me. I was leaning more toward bribery. Then they can come live at my house and I'll never have to mow the lawn again. I see no flaws in this plan whatsoever.
I've never been but I've heard good things about most of it. And I'm a middle aged woman, so sure!