Private trackers are typically free and run by donations. In private trackers there are rules to follow. Most of them targeted at maintaining quality and availability of content. You get there through invitations or interview. You reputation in other private trackers help a lot when you want to join other trackers (you follow the rules).
Also, since the process of getting in a private tracker is harder, this helps keeping out bad apples. So the harder the tracker the more "secure" you are of getting copyright complaints. But there is always the risk.
There are always rules. Typically, in most trackers, you are required to maintain a ratio > 1, but there are ratioless trackers where they don't care about the ratio. Also, you often have a minimum seeding time required meaning that you need to seed the content for X amount of hours (X varies from tracker to tracker). But it is not a big deal, because in private trackers you don't have hundreds of peers connecting to you, therefore seeding doesn't necessarily mean they are going to choke your bandwidth.
If you need to build upload buffer (to improve your ratio), private trackers also offer Freeleech content, and seeding bonuses that you can exchange for virtual upload data. So with some time and little patience, you can download from PT anything.
But again, each tracker has its own rules, and at the end of the day, these rules make the tracker better for you and everyone.