Darwin in action. Anyone who'd use a guidebook to figure out what mushrooms to eat is gonna have a bad time regardless, it's not really something you can sum up in a book in a safe way.
Considering what a total wasteland amazon's self published section is, i don't know that it could be much worse.
Of course any author with an IQ over 70 would have the good sense to never disclose they were using AI.
We seriously need age limits for elected officials, it's absolutely absurd to have an octogenarian in a position of authority like that.
While we're at it, term limits for congress would be nice - 19 terms is absolutely ridiculous.
I think that tens of thousands of people have done it and this is the first fatality says that it was something unique about the victim, rather than the chip.
I'll take the stance this is actually a positive, since rebuilding after a hurricane in florida is a bad idea to begin with. It's just gonna keep happening and keep intensifying in severity. The more people who relocate out the less people there'll be at risk.
Just think of the money saved in severance by them quitting instead of being fired, which is probably the plan all along.
Christ, imagine you get a day off school and you still gotta do online. I'd be pissed.
My town didn't have cops for over three years, and it was totally fine.
That's actually very interesting, i would not have expected that.
Alot of weapons laws, when one looks at them, are based on pure hysteria and nonsensical reasoning, and the silencer laws certainly are.
How the NFA ever got past the supreme court is a mystery to me since it clearly infringes on the 2A. It's a bad law and it needs to go.
I just assume anyone remotely famous is some kind of foul person behind the scenes.