L'idée c'est que les déchets radioactifs étaient toujours là quand on les a trouvé, et y avait personne qui était mort autour a cause de ça.
You only answered one sentence in my whole comment and ignored the meaning of everything else. That's what I mean. You even started with saying that I was sidetracking the conversation when I was actually refocusing it.
If you want to make this an actual discussion, write your point instead of making it a quote ping pong.
C'est précisément ce dont parle la vidéo
Cet endroit existe toujours. Et l'endroit à été peuplé pendant environ l'histoire de l'humanité
C'est quand même plus simple de brûler du bois.
J'ai pas vu de contradiction dans le reportage. Et la conclusion m'a paru sincère.
Dire que le nucléaire n'est pas plus dangereux que les déchets chimique, c'est une vérité scientifique.
You wrote it yourself, you don't understand what I'm talking about eventhough I explained at length. It's not up to me. I explained at length already.
I understand the statistics the article is talking about. And I think I understand why. If you want to understand, you'll need to make the effort.
So we're back at square one: you don't understand, and either you don't care or you don't see the problem.
I guess you're left blaming men and social networks for turning young men mysoginistic fascists.
These are the wrong questions. The question is how do men and women love each other after metoo? That is the question Andrew tate and the fascists are answering, in a reactionary way.
And Barby (the movie) is a good example of the feminist stance on this: feminists are basically saying "I don't want to be your doll, fuck off, dont try to love me". And while the first part is perfectly reasonable and sound, the second part is missing the point. And I realise here that it's not just me that are abandoned but also women here.
The feminist stance is understandable I guess: they don't want men to tell them what to be, so they won't tell men what to be either. But that's missing the point, the question that's being asked: how do men and women love eachother after metoo?
People want models, both to understand what to aim for, and to have something to dream about. There are strong women models now all over movies and games. But men are still the old one, and there's nothing but the old philosophy to answer the question of how do men and women love eachother after metoo. Because feminists abandoned this question.
And it cannot be either men or women to answer it. It must be discussed and agreed. Because women must like what men will be, and men must accept what women want. There is as much work to do on women than there is on men.
Final point: the answer cannot be a negative one. It cannot be "don't be a dick". Because after metoo most reasonable men understand that. The question is, if we're not to be dicks, what will we be? And I'm talking about seduction and romantic relationships here. The question the far right is answering. The question that matter when it comes to men and women relationships. Because no one cares if you want to be an astronaut or a fireman.
Fascism has everything to do with poverty and inequalities. And inequalities in Europe are rising a lot. Where do you get your informations?
Capitalism is a sickness. It breeds crisis that lead to war, and it lives out of war and exploitation. But that's beside the point.
Is this a rethorical question?