Quel virage ? Ils font déjà de la politique d'extrême droite...
Not everything is a trade. People do things because they like it, or out of any other emotion. It's capitalist philosophy that pretends everything is a trade and that you must earn something for anything you do.
They need the air support. If the hypothesis is that a patriot battery was moved, they may think that it is risky to do so, so Ukraine wouldn't do it too much, because the more they do it, the more exposed the battery will be to drone strikes.
Which makes me suspect it might be f16 or new missiles and radar on an old plane.
I am the same. At this point I hardly believe it's a mishap. IMO the fascists are manipulating the algorithms, or they pay to promote them, or the platform favors them.
I can see a propaganda structure working to manipulate the algorithm or pay to get them better ranked. But I can also see the platforms, Facebook, Google, etc, to favor them intently.
I'd argue that a lot of content on YouTube is much more interesting and clic worthy that the mysoginistic crap they force feed us with.
C'est normal pour la gauche de se battre pour l'impôt parce que ça marche. Ça ne résout pas tous le problème, mais ça marche. Pour une gauche réformiste et modérer, c'est juste normal de se battre pour ça.
C'est l'extrême gauche qui veut abattre le système.
They worked hard for decades. They've been betrayed and hampered by editors in the past until kick-started. It's not a lucky situation, they built this luck.
Parce qu'il s'agit de justice, et non de vengeance.
Il y a deux cas de figure : une affaire concernant un fait que la société condamne. Dans ce cas, c'est l'état qui s'assure que le crime est condamné. Ou un différent entre deux citoyens. Dans ce cas, il faut décider de qui a raison.
Par exemple, un meurtre, c'est un crime dans lequel il n'y a plus de victime (vu qu'elle est morte). Il s'agit là de punir pour dissuader et rendre justice. La famille ne ferait qu'interférer.
Un différent sur un titre de propriété ou une affaire de diffamation, c'est l'inverse. Il n'y a, à priori, de faute à punir, mais il faut décider qui a tort et qui a raison.
Enfin il y toutes les situations où c'est un peu les deux : il y a une faute à punir et un tort à réparer.
Russia is 146 million people. Even with a high average age, you can count on 20% young adults, and it leaves almost 30 million people able to fight, half men, so 15 millions. Half a million is dead after two years of conflict. There are 14.5 million left. At this pace, war can still go for 58 years.
If course it's not that easy. Russia avoid full mobilisation because it would cause political problems, and we don't know how long the population would support the war. I suspect it would take a very long time.
The problem for Russia is not the human resources, it's their formation. They need training. Or not apparently. It doesn't seem they care much.
Act 3 is great. It was tougher on the hardware for performances because it's so big, but patches fixed many of these problems. That was some time ago already.
You have an authoritarian view on competitive gaming. And you're saying this should be a hard requirement for hardware development. That's an extreme point of view.
It's video games we're talking. If some asshat is cheating in a video game, that's irrelevant to hardware development.
I mean, do also endorse softwares that plague your kernel to prevent cheating? Why don't you use special hardware for your competitive gaming if that's so important?
The world doesn't live around competitive gaming.
There is no reason to use a world timezone either, and here we are, discussing about it...
The volume of bombardment is insane this days apparently. They need the bombing for their troops to advance.