If you were capable of commenting in good faith, I'd roll with it. Instead you drop points (Uncommitted) when you are proven wrong, give false equivalences between responses to protests, participate in bothsidesing when one side is saying Haitians eat pets.
Your only position is to assert economic theories as material fact, and pretend that your assertion proves conditions are equally awful under Donald or Harris. Socialism is equally hard under Donald or Harris.
Unfortunately for your argument, one half of the (muh both sides) Duopoly will in fact more swiftly reach the point where they are executing socialists. It will be harder to get to socialism while socialists are being executed. Therefore we should take actions that may delay that.
I addressed your "supporting evidence." It turns out it very easy to have supporting evidence if you pretend deliberately being arrested is the same as being brutalized over a protest. You do not address that. "They're different but actually the same. Therefore both sides are the same."
It turns out if you define fascism such that everyone in the government are the same party contributing to it, then both sides are equally fascist. "Dictator day one" is the same as "small business" because the economics are the fascism. Are ridiculous tax cuts for the wealthy the same? "Yes, both sides are the same because the Dems are not stopping it." Oh. Should we vote against more tax cuts by hoping the facade that the "Dems" (Uniparty, actually, muh both sides) are against it? "No, because of reasons.
"They should ignore Uncommitted, listen to their wife instead, throw their ballot in the trash. I'm not urging anyone to vote in any way, just discussing economics."
"Far right violence is rising under Biden because of disparity." Oh. Should we have a president that maintains a facade (muh both sides Duopoly, of course) of being against far-right violence or one that encourages it. "Actually both are the same."
Yes, your arguments are very serious and you are the only good faith participant here.