
joined 1 year ago
[–] ThorAlex 1 points 1 year ago

I have a couple of these too, they are quite convenient in that they do motion, luminescence, and temperature. I have two and combine them in a single sensor to average out for better accuracy.

[–] ThorAlex 1 points 1 year ago

I looked into valetudo but it seems pretty complex to get working on most models, so i gave up on the idea. I currently have a dumb roomba 767 integrate in home assistant with internet access blocked and it works fine except for constantly calling for mommy (roomba servers) and never going to sleep since the calls are never answered. It's been a year now and now noticeable ill effects so far thought. I'd like to upgrade to something with mapping thought, so i hope more people will chime inn here.

[–] ThorAlex 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Har brukt dem i mange år, og har ikke noe å utsette på kvaliteten. Glassene er like bra som optiker sine, et svensk blad testet for noen år siden og fant at de faktisk var bedre. Når det gjelder innfatninger kjøper jeg stort sett de rimeligste, noen føles kanskje litt billig men jeg har ikke hatt noen problemer. Et irritasjonsmoment er at de har byttet navn på innfatningene flere ganger de siste årene, som gjør det vanskelig å finne igjen favorittene. På grunn av det kjøpte feil sist jeg bestilte og fikk en helt ubrukelig brille, men meldte inn retur på nettsiden og fikk penger tilbake og bestilt ny uten problemer.

Edit: De siste årene har de forresten begynt å produsere brillene i Trondheim, før kom de fra Danmark. Sparer litt tid i posten på det.

[–] ThorAlex 5 points 1 year ago

I like how it's only been a week and Stockton Rush is already in there...

[–] ThorAlex 2 points 1 year ago

undefined> ldig få som ønsker å kjøpe det. Derfor tar butikkene heller inn

Lam og sau er nydelig! Foretrekker sau selv siden den har mer smak enn lam, men mange liker ikke det. Jeg bruker fårikålkjøtt til gryter, men utenom det er det alt for lite sauekjøtt å få tak etter min mening. Lår og stek er festmat med festmatpriser, så det er lite aktuelt som hverdagsmat for en singel mann, men hadde jeg fått tak i egnet sauekjøtt til en tilsvarende pris som svin så hadde jeg ikke spist mye svin.

[–] ThorAlex 4 points 1 year ago

TL,DR: This exists in parts of europe

Doing it in real time like you are suggesting (I think?) would make it hard to adapt to, as many consumers cannot be switched at will (dishwasher, dryer etc.) or needs to keep a certain state (water heater). Also, as far as I can tell none of the common solar inverters can regulate output to the grid (beyond turning off entirely) and batteries are not financially viable yet for most people.

In Norway (and a few other European countries) we have hourly pricing that is set the day before based on projected production and consumption (see: This has the same effect, but makes planning and actually taking action according to the price fluctuations much easier for the customer. More and more companies here are making smart products that can help with this, as well as hobbyists making add-ons for smart home systems to control when power is used. I use Home Assistant and currently have my water heater running the cheapest hours of the day, working on the mini-split and bathroom heat next. When I get my solar install later this summer I'll be moving those loads to use solar as much as possible, with cheapest hours as the backup option if there is no sun. Pretty much exactly what OP wants to achieve, no?

The grid and electricity are also handled by separate companies here, to reduce abuse and exploitation and create competition wherever possible. The grid is owned by municipal companies that have limits set on their yearly income, while the electricity is handled by private companies trading electricity and competing to provide better plans for the customers. Several are offering electricity basically at cost, opting instead to try and make money of smart devices and apps to help their customers spend less on electricity and thus further helping move loads according to prices.

It's all a bit complicated to explain so i hope this makes any sense at all. It's not a perfect system, but it does seem to work and will hopefully only get better as smart home technology catches up.