I don't know when the last time you checked is, but I don't think it's funny that as early as 1996 Microsoft was successfully sued for nearly 100m for abusing workers as "permatemps". That isn't counting their practices of forcing their staff to work extreme hours, avoiding to pay benefits, and just doing just about anything they could to avoid giving their employees a way of "making bank".
"In 1996, a class action lawsuit was brought against Microsoft representing thousands of current and former employees that had been classified as temporary and freelance. The monetary value of the suit was determined by how much the misclassified employees could have made if they had been correctly classified and been able to participate in Microsoft's employee stock purchase plan. The case was decided on the basis that the temporary employees had had their jobs defined by Microsoft, worked alongside regular employees doing the same work, and worked for long terms (years, in many cases)."
The long dark. The game drips with atmosphere, sleeping when there is a blizzard outside your little cabin is just fantastic. Hearing the snow crunch as you're exploring, or the haunting sound of wolves howling as they follow you while you're hauling your latest kill of fresh meat.
The feeling when you come across a rare find that saves your life, like a nice jacket or leggings.
Oh! Once you learn to navigate in a blizzard? You can't see and it can be so hypnotic. Walking until you find a landmark and adjusting your path, crunching along while the wind howls hoping you find shelter before you die.
The feeling of seeing the Aurora borealis in that gorgeous sky at night?
It all almost makes you forget that you're probably starving/freezing to death.