
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Turns out this was my goof. I was trying to set up auto-login on my user account. In doing so, I set it to automatically log in to Plasma (X11) instead of Plasma (Wayland). Odd that the default option in that dropdown is not the one you're currently using, but 🤷‍♂️.

What I'm now trying to figure out is why I can't set auto-login for Plasma (Wayland). The Apply button is disabled. 🤔

Thanks to everyone who shared ideas.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

HDMI switcher is an interesting idea. Will it do more than just forward on the EDID? (Hope I have that right. 😅) Will it sorta translate it and push out its own EDID?

The cable is one of the two cables that previously completed the chain between the display and computer. Could it still be a problem in spite of that?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The monitor definitely is. Like I said, it was working when connected through the soundbar. It seems to be that it isn't reporting capabilities the same way the soundbar did when connected directly to the computer.


I am running Bazzite 40 on a system with an RTX 4080. Up until yesterday, I was connecting computer -> Samsung HW-Q900C soundbar -> Samsung Q90C TV. I learned that the soundbar doesn't have HDMI 2.1 ports which is why I hadn't been able to get 120Hz, so I changed my setup to computer -> TV + soundbar -> TV (eARC).

Now, I do have 120Hz, but I lost a bunch of other options in my display settings, including HDR. The only options I can set there now are resolution, orientation, refresh rate, and scale. I suspect this is an issue with the TV communicating its capabilities in a way the OS doesn't understand, but I'm not sure how to fix or work around it. Can anyone suggest a fix? Is there a setting I can change on the TV or maybe an app I can run on the computer to manually set the TV's capabilities?

Update: Just discovered kscreen-doctor. Here's the output:

Output: 445 HDMI-0
	priority 1
	Modes:  446:3840x2160@60!  447:4096x2160@120  448:4096x2160@100  449:4096x2160@60  450:4096x2160@50  451:4096x2160@30  452:4096x2160@24  453:4096x2160@24  454:3840x2160@144  455:3840x2160@120*  456:3840x2160@100  457:3840x2160@60  458:3840x2160@50  459:3840x2160@30  460:3840x2160@25  461:3840x2160@24  462:3840x1600@144  463:3840x1600@120  464:3840x1600@60  465:3840x1080@144  466:3840x1080@120  467:3840x1080@60  468:2560x1440@120  469:2560x1080@144  470:2560x1080@120  471:2560x1080@60  472:1920x1080@144  473:1920x1080@120  474:1920x1080@100  475:1920x1080@60  476:1920x1080@60  477:1920x1080@50  478:1920x1080@30  479:1920x1080@25  480:1920x1080@24  481:1680x1050@60  482:1600x900@60  483:1440x900@60  484:1280x1024@75  485:1280x1024@60  486:1280x800@60  487:1280x720@60  488:1280x720@60  489:1280x720@50  490:1152x864@75  491:1024x768@75  492:1024x768@70  493:1024x768@60  494:800x600@75  495:800x600@72  496:800x600@60  497:720x576@50  498:720x480@60  499:640x480@75  500:640x480@73  501:640x480@60 
	Geometry: 0,0 3840x2160
	Scale: 1
	Rotation: 1
	Overscan: 0
	Vrr: incapable
	RgbRange: unknown
	HDR: incapable
	Wide Color Gamut: incapable
	ICC profile: incapable
	Color profile source: incapable

SOLUTION: Turns out this was my goof. I was trying to set up auto-login on my user account. In doing so, I set it to automatically log in to Plasma (X11) instead of Plasma (Wayland). Odd that the default option in that dropdown is not the one you’re currently using, but 🤷‍♂️.

What I’m now trying to figure out is why I can’t set auto-login for Plasma (Wayland). The Apply button is disabled. 🤔

Thanks to everyone who shared ideas.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

For anyone who happens to find this later, putting it in ~/.xprofile did not work for me, so I'll still with the other solution I posted here for now.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Ah, OK. I'll give this a shot. I found a solution (posted in the comments), but I don't love it because it depends on a sleep and isn't deterministic. Thanks!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

I found a solution that seems to be working. Forgot where I saw this, or I'd give credit. Maybe StackOverflow?

Anyway, the solution was to write a separate shell script for my keymaps with a sleep 2 at the top. The, I run it as a startup application with this command: /bin/bash -c "sh /home/me/.keymaps.sh"

Apparently, the desktop environment must be loaded in order for the keymaps to take, so having it in my profile was running the command too early.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Hmm. I don't seem to have that file, so I guess that means I'm not using gdm? I haven't changed the login manager, so it's whatever comes out of the box with current Pop_os.


I have a little one-line keyboard customization in my ~/.profile that is intended to make my caps lock key function as escape when pressed or ctrl when held.

# Map Caps Lock to Esc/Ctrl
setxkbmap -option 'caps:ctrl_modifier' && xcape -e 'Control_L=Escape;Caps_Lock=Escape'

It works… but only if I manually run source ~/.profile. The weird thing is that it kinda works without the manual intervention, but the caps lock also activates. This does not happen after manually sourcing.

I thought this file was automatically sourced at login. If that's the case, shouldn't the customization work automatically without the file having to be manually sourced? Is there some service that needs to be running before this command fires that is not yet running when the file is automatically sourced? Struggling to understand what's happening here… 🤔

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Ah, that’s very helpful. Thanks!

Do you virtualize or dual boot?

[–] [email protected] 30 points 3 months ago (1 children)

aside from leaving them behind


How are people coping with games that just won't run on Linux (aside from leaving them behind)? Do you dual boot Windows? Virtualize? What's your strategy for this?

This will be extremely rare for me since I don't play a lot of competitive stuff, but I'd love to find a solution. I have a large library, and it's bound to happen from time to time.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago

When I saw this, I thought it sounded really cool! That is, until I remembered that I literally never touch my Windows machine except for gaming, so, unless I’m going to try to play two games at once (spoiler: I’m not), I will unfortunately never have a use for this. 😅

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Ending slavery doesn't reset everything back to zero. Imagine if you're running a race against someone else. The person officiating the race (no clue what this kind of person is called 😅) lets your opponent start running the race and keeps you back at the start line. Then, they have a moment of clarity and say to themselves, "Wait a second… This isn't fair!" So, they stop that person where they are, apologize to you, say they promise never to do it again, and blow the whistle so that you can both start the race.

But wait! That person still ended up starting way ahead! But we already ended head starts before the race started so it's OK, right? Well, no, because the person who got the head start still got to start from their advantaged position.

But this isn't quite the same because your issue crosses generations. So, a better analogy might be a relay race. Maybe the head start is stopped just as the second person on the opposing team receives the… thing you pass in a relay race. (Why am I making an analogy to a thing I know nothing about? 😅) They didn't personally get the head start. So, it's OK to go ahead and start the race now with one relay team already on their second runner while the other is on their first, right? It wouldn't be fair to punish that person who didn't directly gain the advantage of the head start.

Well, no, because that team still got an advantage and the other team still started at a disadvantage. Reparations are less about punishing an individual and more about leveling a playing field.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Sure! Here's one more thing I wish you would consider before you go forward with it: if you didn't get sued for doing this, it wouldn't be because you didn't break the law. It would be because the people whose rights you violated can't afford to sue (or maybe it's just that they don't have teams of lawyers scouring the internet to make sure all their rights are protected and haven't noticed as a result). If Reddit claimed ownership over all content posted on the platform, it would be no less illegal, but you'd get a cease-and-desist in a heartbeat, followed by a lawsuit if you didn't comply. Trying it only because the people whose rights you're violating can't protect themselves makes the whole thing feel like punching down.

The justification I hear for this sort of activity is usually to damage Reddit in some way… but it's not actually Reddit that's being damaged. It's other people like all of us who ultimately have been used by Reddit for free labor for the last nearly two decades now. These bots are now victimizing them again in the interest of getting back at the entity who first victimized them… but that should really be their choice since it was their content. It just doesn't feel justified to me.

Now if you wrote a script that a Reddit user could use that would grab all of their own Reddit posts, post them to an appropriate Lemmy community, and delete them from Reddit (not sure if deleting a Reddit post is even possible at this point 😅), and convinced a bunch of them to use it, that seems to me like the right approach. The users have full agency to decide whether or not their content gets moved, but you're making it easy for them to do the thing you want them to do.

I'm no staunch defender of copyright, but it sucks that because access to the legal system is expensive, corporations like Reddit get the benefit of the law while regular people like you and me don't get that if we can't afford tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal bills. If we're going to have copyright law, it should definitely protect regular people who take the time to share things with others online for virtually no benefit to themselves just as much if not more than it does massive corporations.


If you're using the laptop as intended (i.e., on your lap), wouldn't those be almost entirely blocked?

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