I was walking on the sidewalk at a traffic-lighted intersection when I heard a loud bang.
I turn around to see a Honda had rear-ended a Volvo 240 that had stopped at a red light. The front of the Honda looked like a piece of crumpled up paper wrapped up nicely on the 240's tow bar. The 240 was unscathed.
WebRTC isn't necessarily a bad specification.
But that history shows how they draft a specification, implement a service around it at a fast pace (in this case even with a takeover), and many years later the draft turns into a än official specification.
Other browsers have no choice but to fall in line behind the draft if they want to stay relevant. And they did.
IE did the same shit with their marquee-tag back in the day. Last I checked it still works on Firefox. (It's still not in any w3c specification)