
joined 3 months ago
[–] PetteriPano 4 points 1 month ago

My desktop, laptop and homelab all synd my important stuff over syncthing. They all do btrfs snapshots three months back in case an oopsie would propagate.

The homelab additionally fetches deduplicated snapshots of my VPS weekly, before syncing all of the above to an encrypted hetzner storage for those burning-down-the-house events.

[–] PetteriPano 33 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I need to feel productive. Be it a programming project or woodworking. Just creating something new instead of maintenance like oil changes and mowing the lawn. Creating something new.

Also, take a walk in the forest. Get out on the water. Both are great therapy to disconnect from the mental todo-list of things going on around the house.

[–] PetteriPano 54 points 1 month ago

My library has a banned book clubs for teenagers.

Books don't get banned in my country, but they read and discuss books that are banned in other countries.

Also, you can check out a kill-a-watt to monitor your electricity consumption.

[–] PetteriPano 7 points 2 months ago (2 children)

He's got so much going on that half the paper would be about him if they kept covering everything between the classified documents, election interference, hush money, Georgia, tax fraud, Carroll defamation...

[–] PetteriPano 34 points 2 months ago (7 children)

instead of healthcare

Where in the world are you? In my part my tax money goes far enough to pay for both. And free university studies so that no one has to take loans.

[–] PetteriPano 2 points 2 months ago

Hackers (1995) more likely.

[–] PetteriPano 57 points 2 months ago

detectives believed he had a "great hatred of women, specially of the prostitute class, and had strong homicidal tendencies".

No shit, Sherlock.

[–] PetteriPano 1 points 2 months ago

I've heard of it in an old 60 minutes segment, but seems this commenter knows the technical details.

Veritasium had an episode on even more haunting exploits in the phone networks a couple of weeks back. Always prefer 2FA apps over SMS.

[–] PetteriPano 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

The can spoof any number. They usually go with something local (to you) to increase the odds of you picking up.

Calling back will get you Bob on the other side of town who has no idea what missed call you're talking about.

[–] PetteriPano 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I once bought beer with my friends debit card. This was back when you'd sign the receipt instead of doing NFC or entering your pin code. I signed it "Jesus Kristus".

Bartenders don't care.

[–] PetteriPano 7 points 2 months ago

Border checks are an exception between Schengen countries.

Airlines usually require valid id/pass in their terms. Usually only enforced to boot a few people off the plane when they're overbooked.

[–] PetteriPano 7 points 2 months ago

WebRTC isn't necessarily a bad specification.

But that history shows how they draft a specification, implement a service around it at a fast pace (in this case even with a takeover), and many years later the draft turns into a än official specification.

Other browsers have no choice but to fall in line behind the draft if they want to stay relevant. And they did.

IE did the same shit with their marquee-tag back in the day. Last I checked it still works on Firefox. (It's still not in any w3c specification)

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