Being naturally occuring or contrived influences their legitimacy and staying power.
Most of them were not made up recently, and in a book of words made up for that book.
Look at an IQ map and political map of the US. The stupid and right wing maps are nearly identical.
Rightward politics correlates with low intelligence.
Don't have one. Computers, on the other hand, the family has a bunch.
Define Asian. I live in "Asia" and have never seen this.
Make the coordinates public and let curiosity run its course.
I believe there was a book in the 80s called Sniglets that made up words for things and this was one of them. I didn't remember what it was called. Any or all of this memory could be wrong.
Neil Diamond.
We were at the Mitsui Outlet Mall yesterday and it is literally right next door.
If someone gave me 700mil, I'd probably retire too.