its not the shutting apps thats the problem its the amnesia.
joined 2 years ago
the Voyager lemmy app needs this SO bad. i want to google up something before i comment and then poof the whole post is gone.
why not just replace the battery?
Master and Commander should be several movies and an MMO game.
knowing Sega it would be a POV Sonic game that makes everyone throw up rings.
i switched from breakfast cereal to yogurt a month ago and lost more than a belt notch.
for me, i'd put super mario galaxy up there too. but really tetris will be around for centuries.
im pretty sure Japan didnt even use boots.
someone will make it a walkable minecraft level in good faith, and someone else will teabag on it.
like the last starfighter movie.
yep china has several, my concern is the range on these are dogshit.
locked in the back of a uhaul, using a loaf of bread as a pillow. when the sun rose the tiny airhole in the wall became a camera obscura and i watched the sunrise uprise down while waiting for someone to unlock the truck.