Kinda want to make this a bumper sticker to see if anyone gets it. I wouldn't have before this post.
I hope people pull out of doge if for nothing else of how dumb this whole thing is.
I wanna call it meta but that's probably not the right use of the word.
Honestly this has been knocking around in my head. Did truly less people vote this go around?
We have more days of counting to go through but I'm honesty surprised at the numbers so far.
If less people voted then fair, but something feels off. Kinda left with some uncomfortable possibilities if there's a way to know the true number of people that voted.
Lol what? What discord server? You may find that even discord is slightly looked down upon here.
Ohh, I thought it was a gimp suit. My bad.
I think you're more right than you may have intended.
Nah, Americans are seeing a slight dulling of the pain to get through the day.
Got bills to pay and mouths to feed, there ain't no safety net to catch ya when your name whatever hurts and needed surgery a decade ago.
Take your pain killers and caffeine and get to work you lazy scum.
Fair, but the first rebuttal is going to be "go into a sealed room with a coal fire burning"
You don't see a tie between the two?
Also curious why you replied twice with the same statement?
Yeah owning a baseball card worth money sure whatever, if you pawn that card sorry, pay taxes. You use that card a to secure a loan with lower interest rates than you'd get without then sorry, you are realizing gains whether or not you want to admit it. This goes along one of the lawsuits against Trump. He lied to get favorable interest rates by overvaluing his assets to get better interest rates. If that's against the law why the fuck is that not counted as a "gain" to use assets to secure favorable interest rates?
How much did the min wage increase over that time period?
If you get the point you're just being a bad actor.
The house of cards will always tumble eventually.
E: And there's a straw that'll break the Camel's back.