
joined 1 year ago
[–] Humanius 25 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Large countries like to boast that their absolute number is bigger, it's a tale as old as time.

If you really want to make comparisons (and I'd argue it's really not that important) you should probably look at medals per capita, or medals per athlete sent. Obviously that gets a bit distorted with countries with small population, but I think it's a more valuable number.

By the medals per capita metric the USA is 47th, and China is 75th.

I can't find a good list for medals per athlete sent.

[–] Humanius 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Keys (house, car, bike), phone, wallet,.. swiss army knife, handkerchief.
And during the pandemic a fabric face mask.

It all fits in my pockets

Then dependent on the weather I will bring sunglasses or an umbrella.
I check Buienradar (Dutch rain forecast app) to see whether I'm going to need that.

And sometimes, depending on what I will be doing, earbuds

[–] Humanius 101 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (11 children)

The headline is a bit misleading. Trump agreed to the ABC debate if Harris agrees to the Fox debate.
This is just a ploy for him to either get Harris to show up on Fox, or if she doesn't debate him on Fox, spin it in such a way that Harris is somehow not wanting to debate him (Even though she never agreed to a Fox debate)

[–] Humanius 7 points 1 month ago (10 children)

If he hasn't shown genuine remorse than changes my stance.
Given what I had read on the matter I was under the impression he had shown remorse. Particularly the "biggest mistake of [his] life" remark.

[–] Humanius 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (14 children)

So I'm not overly familiar, but I can try to summarize what I know.

Steven van de Velde is a Dutchman who went to the UK and raped a 12 year-old. He was sentenced to four years in prison for this by a UK court. Later he was extradited to the Netherlands, so he could sit out his sentence in the NL. However in the Netherlands, unlike the UK, sex with a minor is not automatically considered rape and needs to be proven in court. (Note: That is my understanding of the difference in interpretation) Because of this his conviction was reduced to "ontucht", meaning sexual misconduct. (Even though what he did would probably also be considered rape in Dutch court).
As a result, he was out of prison after 13 months.

Now, Dutch attitude to these kinds of things, in my experience, is generally (but not always) that if you have paid your time, and have shown remorse for your actions, then it should probably not affect your future career prospects. The justice system is supposed to rehabilitate after all. (That is my experience though, and my experience may be biased, so don't take this as gospel)

Hart van Nederland did a survey, and apparently only 27% of respondents think he should not be allowed to compete. 63% of respondents think he should be allowed to compete, and 10% don't have an opinion either way. (Note that Hart van Nederland is not the most reliable of sources, but it gives an indication)

From what I have seen in Dutch circles this controversy is a lot less pronounced than it is in other countries. That's not to say it is entirely uncontroversial, but it's not quite to the same degree as I'm seeing internationally.

Personal opinion:

I don't think his sentence should have been lowered to "ontucht". I think what he did is morally reprehensible, and he should have sat out the full sentence for raping a minor. That is a failure on behalf of the justice system though, and van de Velde is not personally to blame for that.

~~That said, given that he has shown remorse for his actions, and has finished the sentence that the legal system imposed on him, I don't think he should have been barred from competing in the Olympics on behalf of the Dutch team.~~

Edit: As Flying Squid mentioned I might be mistaken that he has shown genuine remorse.
If he hasn't that changes my opinion on the matter.

[–] Humanius 68 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (37 children)

So they can bitch that people booed, but he won’t acknowledge the reason is he raped a literal child?

Mathew Immers is not the guy who raped the child. That is Steven van de Velde.
Immers is van de Velde's beach volleyball partner.

[–] Humanius 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Do you mean the concept of up- / downvoting posts and comments in order to determine a suitable order, or do you mean the tally of all your up- / downvotes being displayed as a number on your profile.

As for the up- / downvoting, while it isn't perfect, and it sometimes encourages people to only upvote things they agree with rather than being accurate, it is a pretty good metric to get relevant posts and comments to the top.

And as for the numerical tally.. It's easily ignored. I didn't particularly mind it on Reddit, but I also don't mind its absence on Lemmy.
~~Seeing the number go up on my individual posts gives my monkey brain enough of a dopamine boost~~

[–] Humanius 20 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

More like they have an ancient sewage system.

Basically, if the sewer system gets overwhelmed, for instance if there is a large amount of rainfall in a short time, then the sewage overflows directly into the Seine.
They have built infrastructure leading up to the Olympics to capture this overflow in storage tanks, but you cannot build infinitely large storage tanks so at some point it will still overflow.

And 2024 has been a very wet year thusfar, so..

[–] Humanius 31 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Wasn't the TGV sabotage attack also targeted at the fiber-optics lines? Wouldn't be surprised if they were related.
Or maybe these people just really dislike fiber-optics, and are in the pockets of big copper /j

[–] Humanius 9 points 2 months ago

Which can only really be addressed by making it easier / less of a hassle to become a peer.
I for one would love to host a peertube instance, but I keep running into a wall when I try.

[–] Humanius 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I think something that gets overlooked is the ease of use of setting up a Peertube server yourself.

If I want to host my own Mastodon or Lemmy instance it is pretty straightforward, and I can just do so on my unRAID server with a simple ready-made docker container. But when I want to do that for PeerTube, as a novice I somewhat run into a brick wall.

[–] Humanius 60 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Glad to hear they are finally acknowledging the issue.
It's time that that loophole gets closed. These dangerous land-boats have no place on our roads.

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