Do you suffer from a salt induced high blood pressure, or is it simply the taste?
The disposal of waste, especially plastic, is a real issue. I heard recently that up here in Northland, land-fill is still the most used method.
Apparently there are 2 NZ companies using waste plastic to produce road surfaces. Apparently Downer have a contract to lay roads using Plas Mix in New Plymouth for the next 10 years.
I guess it’s new technology atm so the pollution impacts are to be determined.
Morena everyone. Off to recycling later, got lots of bottles (hic) both plastic and glass to get rid of.
A few years back, I remember a NZ business set up to turn waste plastic into a road topping. Not seen anything about that recently, I wonder if it’s still operating? Might make a search.
Just looked and both the links I initially posted had a corrupt character in them. Quite how that could happen I don’t know, maybe it was the Memmy app. I reloaded the links and they should now be working.
EDIT 1: Arrggh, still the same. I’ll edit it in a browser.
EDIT 2: Same problem with the links posting from a browser. The link includes "=rain®ion" the ampersand gets corrupted.
EDIT 3: Ha, even the text I put in the last edit got corrupted despite being in quotes. The & seems to be the issue.
Let’s try a code post type=rain®ion=nzni
EDIT 4 : Even the code post got corrupted, hmmm, not so wonderful.
Just looked, and yes the images are out atm for me as well.
We had the same, contacting 2 others on the drive to get their agreement. Luckily had it done back in 2019 when the initial big push to get it all installed was happening.
A new week, hope all is OK for everyone.
Here’s the 10 day METVUW weather forecast
EDIT: Sorry, the links are corrupted
Going to try Ex-Machina as well
Thanks for the Bicentennial Man prompt, will watch that tomorrow.
Again thanks, I’ll also keep a lookout for The Creator.
I guess the $64,000 question is, how will it end?
Glad you’ve got no blood pressure issues. I do have BP issues, so am aware how sodium can, and does, raise it for some people.