No worries, thanks for the response!
Interesting answer, scanning through the Wikipedia article on kiki/bouba it makes sense that we don't really have solid evidence that it isn't a learned trait. It may be hard to get a population of people who developed language independently of all other humans ever and see if they maintain the strong correlation with naming kiki and bouba.
So I guess that brings up another question I have kinda wondered about. What is the most "isolated" spoken language on the planet? By that, I mean the language that evolved most independently of other spoken languages. Is there anything interesting that can be learned by comparing such a language to the European languages that are dominant among the global population?
This looks like a reasonable feature from what I can tell. There are tons of scammy extensions that scrape data. This looks like they are just trying to limit the damage when your uncle installs some random shopping extension that logs all the pages he visits. Plus, the feature can be disabled by the user if they know what they are doing.