As a Utahn, this picture is a bit too relatable...
joined 1 year ago
It's amazing what a roomba on a daily schedule can do for the fur problem.
I'm torn on this, on one hand it completely makes sense and will definitely help those from a lower income. On the other hand, California has a huge problem with petty theft and this doesn't apply to all forms of assault which means more criminals will just be released. The bail system is B.S. but California should be doing more than just this. Maybe someone with more background knowledge on California can help educate me as to why this will be a net positive.
Sweet, can't wait!
Or a DIWHY would fit pretty good here as well.
Looks great, can't wait!
How is this an excessive sentence? What in your mind would be an appropriate sentence if say your mom or sister were the ones who were raped?