Let's start by attacking Hawaii then.
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Bueno chicos, nos quedamos con Oregon. Ya escucharon!
all the retired people in Florida too
What... they DON'T wear shorts in winter in Florida??
There is a second contingent of people who wear shorts in the winter in between the corn maze and the Mormons. The ones that who don't own guns still know how to swing a bike lock.
Apparently Hawaii is safe?
Don't even dare think about touching our boats!!
Yee fuckin' haw.
Colorado just sitting there watching? Along with a few other statesβ¦
To get to Colorado means getting past Mormons, the cartel, machine gun enthusiasts, armed farmers, and backcountry hunters(militia should also be a concern in that area). Colorado is quite well defended by topography and neighbors that they might as well just stay high and chill.