this post was submitted on 17 Aug 2024
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Another crazy idea I share with this website.

I was developing a game and an engine in Rust, so I was reading many articles, most of which criticize the 'borrow checker'.

I know that Rust is a big agenda language, and the extreme 'borrow checker' shows that, but if it weren't for the checker, Rust would be a straight-up better C++ for Game development, so I thought: "Why not just use unsafe?", but the truth is: unsafe is not ergonomic, and so is Refcell<T> so after thinking for a bit, I came up with this pattern:

let mut enemies = if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
    // We use `expect()` in debug mode as a layer of safety in order
    // to detect any possibility of undefined bahavior.
    } else {
    // SAFETY: The `if` statement (if self.body.overlaps...) must
    // run only once, and it is the only thing that can make
    // `self.enemies == None`.
    unsafe { enemies.unwrap_unchecked() }

You can also use the same pattern to create a RefCell<T> clone that only does its checks in 'debug' mode, but I didn't test that; it's too much of an investment until I get feedback for the idea.

This has several benefits:

1 - No performance drawbacks, the compiler optimizes away the if statement if opt-level is 1 or more. (source: Compiler Explorer)

2 - It's as safe as expect() for all practical use cases, since you'll run the game in debug mode 1000s of times, and you'll know it doesn't produce Undefined Behavior If it doesn't crash.

You can also wrap it in a "safe" API for convenience:

// The 'U' stands for 'unsafe'.
pub trait UnwrapUExt {
    type Target;

    fn unwrap_u(self) -> Self::Target;

impl<T> UnwrapUExt for Option<T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn unwrap_u(self) -> Self::Target {
        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
        } else {
            unsafe { self.unwrap_unchecked() }

I imagine you can do many cool things with these probably-safe APIs, an example of which is macroquad's possibly unsound usage of get_context() to acquire a static mut variable.

Game development is a risky business, and while borrow-checking by default is nice, just like immutability-by-default, we shouldn't feel bad about disabling it, as forcing it upon ourselves is like forcing immutability, just like Haskell does, and while it has 100% side-effect safety, you don't use much software that's written in Haskell, do you?

Conclusion: we shouldn't fear unsafe even when it's probably unsafe, and we must remember that we're programming a computer, a machine built upon chaotic mutable state, and that our languages are but an abstraction around assembly.

top 20 comments
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[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 month ago (1 children)

One thing I've noticed with Rust is that if you find yourself fighting with the borrow checker, that's a sign that your codebase isn't well structured.

So I'm curious; what problem have you been trying to solve where the borrow checker has been this much of an obstacle? There might be a cleaner design for it.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I disagree. It's a sign your code isn't structured in a way that the borrow checker understands, but that is a subset of well-structured code.

In other words, if your code nicely fits with the borrow checker then it's likely well structured, but the inverse is not necessarily true.

One thing I always run into is using lambdas to reduce code duplication within a function. For example writing a RLE encoder:

fn encode(data: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
  let mut out = Vec::new();

  let mut repeat_count = 0;

  let mut output_repeat = || {
     out.push(... repeat_count ...);

  for d in data {

This is a pretty common pattern where you have a "pending" thing and need to resolve it in the loop and after the loop. In C++ you can easily use lambdas like this to avoid duplication.

Doesn't work in Rust though even though it's totally fine, because the borrow checker isn't smart enough. Instead I always end up defining inline functions and explicitly passing the parameters (&mut out) in. It's much less ergonomic.

(If anyone has any better ideas how to solve this problem btw I'm all ears - I've never heard anyone even mention this issue in Rust.)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Sorry that example was a bit too limited to demonstrate the problem actually. Add a second lambda and you hit the issue:

Still totally fine from a safety point of view, but the borrow checker can't figure that out.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

This is entering subjective taste, but in my opinion this also is a feature of Rust. Especially when the closures are more complicated, it may be not as obvious if and where they are changing state (the fact that Rust implicitely mutably borrows the variables to the closures doesn't help either).

So a solution of this issue for me would be to add the changed variables as parameters to the closures and explicitely mutably borrow them at the calls in the loop:

I would agree with you that this increases code verbosity. However, this would be a price I'm willing to pay to help understand at quicker glances what happens inside this loop.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

@Jenztsch @FizzyOrange it would be nice if rust had a feature like inline macros for this kind of behavior just for reducing duplications when you don’t need to capture values as part of a closure.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

@Jenztsch @FizzyOrange


fn foo() -\> Vec\<i32\> {  
 let mut out = Vec::new();  
 macro! bar(i: i32) {  

 for i in 1..10 {  

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'm not sure how you intend to use this. When no variables are captured, the borrow checker will not have any issues with the closure method.

When you are still capturing, you could implement a macro like one answer suggests. However, IMO this highly depends on the complexity of the duplicated code and even then I don't immediately see what the benefits compared to extracting it as a closure/function are.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The benefits are that you don't have to pass out and similar captured variables into the closures/functions.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Then I think RefCell is exactly what you want to defer the mutable borrow to runtime instead of compile time: (source for this method on StackOverflow).

Maybe there could be syntactic sugar to use captures implicitely as RefCells inside a closure. But I would not be a fan of implicitely allowing multiple mutable borrows without any clue for that in the code.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Not really because RefCell has performance implications and also adds noise to the code.

But I would not be a fan of implicitely allowing multiple mutable borrows without any clue for that in the code.

Nobody is suggesting breaking Rust's multiple mutable borrow restriction. The macro solution simply doesn't do that, and the "make the borrow checker smarter" solution just releases the mutable borrows when they aren't being used so they don't overlap.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I dunno, does it even need a new feature? Kind of feels like Rust should be able to figure it out as long as the lambdas aren't moved/stored/etc?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Is this crazy?

A general repeat macro that works on stable Rust would work too of course.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah that's pretty unreadable IMO. I think your second link isn't what you intended?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I think your second link isn’t what you intended?

You scared me for a moment there. I don't know why you thought that.

Needless to say, even with the first example, metavar expressions are not strictly needed here, as using a second pattern and recursing expansions would work.

But I wanted to showcase the power of ${ignore}, as it can be cleaner and/or more powerful in some cases where extra patterns and recursing expansions can get messy and hard to track.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

@FizzyOrange I see what you mean

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

First of all, unsafe famously doesn't disable the borrow checker, which is something any Rustacean would know, so your intro is a bit weird in that regard.

And if you neither like the borrow checker, nor like unsafe rust as is, then why are you forcing yourself to use Rust at all. If you're bored with C++, there are other of languages out there, a couple of which are even primarily developed by game developers, for game developers.

The fact that you found a pattern that can be alternatively titled "A Generic Method For Introducing Heisenbugs In Rust", and you are somehow excited about it, indicates that you probably should stop this endeavor.

Generally speaking, I think the Rust community would benefit from making an announcement a long the lines of "If you're a game developer, then we strongly advise you to become a Rustacean outside the field of game development first, before considering doing game development in Rust".

[–] Giooschi 12 points 1 month ago

Have you actually measured a performance impact from RefCell checks?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

I just wanted to advice you against thinking that if there's something in all cases you've tried, there's something every time. When you put something in an optional and then unwrap, it's okay because you can see that the value is there, but even then there are usually better ways to express that. When you expect that since you've run the code thousands of times and it didn't break [in a way that you would notice, e.g. panic in another thread will only affect that thread] means that everything is fine, you may get weird bugs seemingly out of nowhere and will also need to test much more than strictly necessary.

Regarding the borrow checker, it has limitations and there are improvements that I hope will some day find way into upstream, but most of the time it may be better to change the code flow to allow borrow checker to help with bugs, instead of throwing it away completely. The same goes for unsafe, as in most cases it's better to not uphold invariants manually.

[–] calcopiritus 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Instead of checking if debug assertions are disabled, you should use debug assertions, it would make the code much neater.

If you wanna eliminate the borrow checker this way, I guess you could use raw pointers instead of references, and have debug assertions to check if those pointers are null. At that point you'd have a mix of C and Rust. The memory would be completely unsafe (you'd have to allocate mostly on the heap, and drop it manually), but you'd have rusts's type system. You'd also lose a lot of ergonomics though.

EDIT: just to be clear. I think completely disabling the borrow checker this way is absolutely nuts. Maybe you could have some raw pointers in troublesome locations (where RC/RefCell would have too big of a performance impact for a 144fps game). But most of the code should be borrow checked, since the borrow checker only gets in your way sometimes. It's not like lifetimes go away with the borrow checker, you still have to think about lifetimes if you manually manage your memory.