I thought they were bagels with an entire block of cream cheese at first.
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Pretty much New York bagels
That’s literally what I thought the caption was gonna be about when I saw the pic
Now deep fry that whole jawn and we're talkin'
'Murican spotted
You can't be out here frying them jawns with any old batter either. It needs to be either cake or cornbread batter.
Try this-
Get 2 Eggo (or similar) waffles and toast them
Quickly spread some softened ice cream on them and make a sandwich
Saving this
Blueberry Eggos and vanilla ice cream was one of my favorite combos
Edit: also homestyle buttermilk waffles with pumpkin ice cream
What's the term for "cankles", but for the wrists?
forearm+wrist = ...forist ? fist ??
But warm donut would make the ice cream melt
But there's about a 10 second window where it will be one of the best things you ever put in your mouth.
This is what obesity* is about
My teeth hurt if i look at this.
Definitely missing the deep fry step.
Also why is this posted here...
It's not as good as Italian gelato served in a sweet brioche bun, but it'll have to do
Holy diabeetus. I can feel my pancreas failing just looking at this image.
If I wasn’t diabetic and I saw this at a fair or carnival, I’d be sorely tempted to try it.
If I wasn’t diabetic and I saw this at a fair or carnival, I’d be sorely tempted to try it.
thus explaining the source of the diabetes
It didn’t help that I have several risk factors, but yeah eating this sort of thing all the time in my youth wasn’t a smart decision.
I was excited that someone finally got the bagel to cream cheese ratio right. Now I'm disappointed.
When my wife and I stayed in Osaka we were one street over from Amerika-Mura, and hidden in that place was a small shop selling "ice dogs":
Glazed hot dog buns with milk (vanilla isn't the defaultfor white over there) flavored ice cream scooped into it.
Absolutely amazing those were
What does milk flavored ice cream even mean? Ice cream is made from milk.
It's just sugar and cream . Sometimes called "sweet cream" ice cream. Cold stone has it as a flavor I think. Delicious.
Sweet cream is the base of ice cream. You use that to flavor, adding vanilla or chocolate powder to a sweet cream base will give you those ice creams.
Milk ice cream is sweet cream base and then add milk flavor. I think they use condensed milk to pull it off, but it's weird and the US doesn't sell anything like it at any kind of scale to my knowledge, and I've looked
I would need to take the day off after eating one of these lol
They do look delicious, just way way too much for me to handle
I thought that was butter before I read the headline.
I'm hungry and tired enough that this looks absolutely amazing right now