Bears only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting
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Soon it'll be the bear Oreo mafia.
"You know it makes me so happy when I go into a home and there are Oreos just sitting right there on the counter. Everyone should always have Oreos on the counter. We don't have to go looking around. It'd be a shame if your place got trashed just because we couldn't find any Oreos. Nobody wants that."
California, if you're like me and don't know every town name.
if you're like new
Like if you're a newborn baby human?
Typo fixed.
Did the bear separate the cookies and teeth-scrape the icing first?
"This is why we chose the bear. I don't know what to tell you." -response from a woman when shown the article
No joke, this happened to me and my sisters and their families when we had a vacation in Durango. Window in the basement was left slightly cracked, we left and came back to a bear in the house. The bear had only eaten one thing, the Oreos. I have never thought that was weird until this post.
Did the onion started firing its news reporters or something?
I take it back - unless you're an Oreo the beer might be safer
It’s also cased the joint.
Funny and true.