Free Italian goats and Botswanan elephants? My zoo is coming along nicely.
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Oh boy, I'm about to get myself a bunch of goats. Or no goats. I've never tried to catch a wild goat, so who can say how that'd go.
I don't imagine catching goats is that difficult - some variety if net would do. It's the transportation of your goats that might be tricky.
Oh boy, I'm about to ship everyone a bunch of goats. Or no goats. I've never tried to ship a wild goat, so who can say how that'd go.
But I want the goats to love me. I was leaning more toward bribery. Then they can come live at my house and I'll never have to mow the lawn again. I see no flaws in this plan whatsoever.
OK, you get a big truck and throw some lettuce in the back - if there are that many goats some will wander in.
I know just the man to solve this problem
This guy's has never heard of the term 'Judas Goat'.
For the uninitiated, you put a tracker on one of the goats you catch. Let it go. He goes back to his friends, and then you have goat stew.
Isn't that how it works anyway? If I can catch the goat, I'm keeping it.
Can't just not bureaucratize it with a stamp fee. If no one was taking the goats before, they're still not taking them.
Transporting livestock absolutely requires documentation, and $17 is getting off easy. Bringing an animal to a new location where it could potentially come in contact with local wildlife and you better be damn sure of it's provenance, immunizations, testing, etc. It sounds like they're not requiring any of that, presumably because it's an isolated population and most of the requirements aren't needed, so all they need is the document showing where the animal came from. Of all the things to be mad at bureaucracy about this is not one of them.
Ok, but chill I'm not mad, just poking tipsily at conversations :) I'm not in the market for goats.