It's for when you want to shoot things behind you
Forgotten Weapons
This is a community dedicated to discussion around historical arms, mechanically unique arms, and Ian McCollum's Forgotten Weapons content. Posts requesting an identification of a particular gun (or other arm) are welcome.
1) Treat Others in a Civil Manner. This is not the place to deride others for their race, sexuality, or etc. Personal insults of other members are not welcome here. Neither are calls for violence.
2) No Contemporary Politics Historical politics that influenced designs or adoption of designs are excluded from this rule. Acknowledgement of existing laws to explain designs is also permissable, so long as comments aren't in made to advocate or oppose a policy. Let's not make this a place where we battle over which color ties our politicians should have, or the issues of today.
3) No Advertising This rule doesn't apply to posting historical advertisements or showing more contemporary ads as a means of displaying information on an appropriate topic. The aim of this rule is to combat spam/irrelevant advertising campaigns.
4) Keep Post on Topic This rule will be enforced with leeway. Just keep it related to arms or Forgotten Weapons or closely adjacent content. If you feel you have something that's worth posting here that isn't about either of those (and doesn't violate other rules) feel free to reach out to a mod.
5) No NSFW Content Please refrain from posting uncensored extreme gore or sexualized content. If censored these posts may be fine.
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These are suggestions not rules.
-Provide a duration for videos. eg. [12:34]
-Provide a year to either indicate when a specific design was produced, patented, or released. If you have an older design being used in a recent conflict provide the year the picture was taken. Dates should be included to help contextualize, not necessarily give exact periods.
-Post a full URL, on mobile devices it can be hard to tell what you're clicking on if you only see "(Link)".
-Posts do not have to be just firearms. Blades, bows, etc. are also welcome.
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The best ads are the ones that still generate attention long after the first publication.
I'ma buy an HK now!
Not just the photographer, there was probably a Product Manager and/or a Marketing Manager that signed off on that.
I worked for that company and from everything I've seen there I'm honestly not surprised.
Everyone truly is pretending they know what they are doing. Any interesting stories you can tell from your time at HK?
The coolest thing I experienced was in my apprenticeship. I got choosen to help prepare the shooting range for investors but they left without really shooting anything so I and another apprentice could shoot basically all still produced products except MGs and grenade launchers.
The most interesting things I shot that day were an MP5k in a briefcase, a silenced MP7 which was really quiet, an HK417 in full-auto which was uncontrollable, the G28 (Bundeswehr version of the civil version of the HK417) on a long shooting range and the prototype of the HK433.
That's pretty neat. What was your impression of the HK433?
I didn't see or feel much difference to the HK416 or G36 since it's basically a hybrid of those two. It's another gas-operated 5,56mm assault rifle with little to no recoil but it looks really cool.
They didn't know how bullets worked
"Accuracy, Reliability"... 🤔
It's like when I write "attention to detail" in my resume and then have a few typos.
"Attemption" Hey, you TRIED! :)
Wide part of the magazine, wide part of the casing. It kinda makes sense if you look at them (without looking at the gun).
Flat back of the casing, flat back of the magazine.
Edit: more obvious in your hand
Photographer was making sure it would look right if the image got flipped, obviously.