this post was submitted on 26 Feb 2025
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Guys, some of you here posted that you gonna switch to a fork. My question is: isn't still the same problem? It seems the problem here is Mozilla, and Mozilla is the creator of Firefox and Gecko. So you suggesting switching to a fork at the end has the same problem that is using Gecko. I don't think it is better than using a Chromium based browser. I mean you still using a Mozilla product. If you really want to avoid Mozilla you should be using Epiphany or wait for Ladybird. I am genuinely asking this because It is not clear enough for me.
It is better than using Chromium, largely because of engine diversity. Mozilla still has a massive say in web standards, and for that I'll continue using them until a better alternative comes out.
Epiphany kinda sucks, and Ladybird isn't a thing yet. So I'll stick with Firefox and its forks until a legitimate challenger appears.
I am still not convinced
I don't know if we can say this with less than 3% of market share.
I like Cromite a lot. Yeah, Brave has a lot of scandals, most of them because trying to make money however they can
As an end user, I choose a browser looking for features I need.
That's still Chromium though.
Same, though engine diversity is also a huge factor. I actually used Opera until they abandoned their rendering engine, and then went back to Firefox.
When Firefox doesn't cut it, I use Brave with the crypto BS disabled. It has a great ad blocker and is just as good as other Chrome browsers at compatibility.